Chapter Two

Wednesday came...

Lunch break.

I was walking around the school, bored. I want to go to the library but unfortunately, It was close. So decided to just go out, there's a cafe near here. One block away.

I first order my drink on the counter. "Good Day, What's your order?" The lady asks Rudely, she didn't even bother to look at me and busy with her phone. I could tell that she's not the type of person you want to mess with. Then finally she looks up at me. "Are you gonna order or what?"

"Uhmm... Just Lemonade and chocolate cake." I said, Gosh, this girl is scary. She looks like she's only 25 years old.

"10 dollars." She said I give her 20 dollars and then she gives me my change, she also said that I have to wait for 5 minutes, if I can't I'll just go home. She's really rude. I walk away and find an empty table, it was near the stairs. I just waited for 5 minutes and finally, my food is here.

It was not the waiter who delivered my order instead it was a girl, a nice one actually. "I'm sorry for Betta over there, she's really rude sometimes," she said and genuinely smile at me.

"No, it's fine. Maybe, she's just having a bad day." I said, She smiled and bow to me before hiding back to serve other people. I just drink my lemonade and eat the cake. Kate is not here, because she has volleyball training. George on the other hand is busy with his studies. I get my laptop out of my bag and started to make a PowerPoint presentation. We're was assigned to present the history of the world, individually. My topic is the history of Thailand.

We need to present this at the end of the month so I still have a lot of time but it's better to be early so I could add more information about it. I started searching my topic at Google, I also borrowed a book at the library to get deeper information about Thailand.

While I'm just enjoying my food and typing my works, I almost cussed when I saw Liv with his classmates on the other table near the window. I choke the cake and immediately drink my lemonade.

God! If you're asking why am I nervous. Well, my brothers doesn't like me to go out by myself. Their should be someone with me. One time I went alone to the mall, My driver only stayed outside and said he'll wait for me. But when Adi and the others knew about it, they scold me. THEY. All.of.them. They almost fired my driver but I told them it was all my fault.

I immediately, save my work and close my laptop, and put it back in the bag. I already stayed here enough, I need to go to school, I only have twenty minutes left. I brought my lemonade with me.

But... when I glance at Liv he was already eyeing me. I'm dead. His forehead creased and when he noticed that I was alone, he glared at me. This the end of me. I smiled at him and rush to the exit.

I run and walk. I kept glancing at my back if his following me but thank god his not. But my hopes went down when I saw my phone ringing with Liv's name on it. I groaned and answer the call. I will be double dead if I don't answer this.

"Uhm... I.. I was doing my PowerPoint presentation-." I explain but he cut me off.

"Alone.." I heard a hint of madness in his voice. "How many times do we need to tell you that, don't go out alone. What if there's bad people around and hurt you."

I sigh, "I'm fine okay. I was bored so I decided to go alone to the coffee shop."

"Where's your friend Kate?"

"She's at her Volleyball club, training."

"Wait, I saw you running, Your asthma, Amae." He warned me. I rolled my eyes. His overacting.

"I told you I'm fined you don't have to worry too much you sounded gay."

"Okay fine. but at least text me when you got there, don't do this again or I will tell Adi about this."

Even if he can't see me I nodded and ended the call. Yes, I have asthma. l already got this since I was born. So, I always bring an inhaler encase. Maybe this also why they don't let me go out by myself, because I have asthma.

I text Liv when I got to school and he only replied with a thumbs-up emoji. I went inside while sipping my lemonade... I stop when someone suddenly bumps me. So, the lemonade got spilled on my shirt.

"Oh my fucking god! You're so fucking clumsy!" It was a girl with other two girls at her back. One glance of it, I already knew they are a bitchy type. And they were the ones who bump me! but I don't want trouble

I bowed a little and said sorry. But of course, they didn't accept it. "Do you know who you are dealing with huh?" She crosses her arms and started moving closer to me. So I step back. "Name?"

"A-amae Viglianco." I stuttered.

And I heard the three of them gasped. "Viglianco? Omg. Are they related to the Viglianco boys?" The girl with a lollypop on her mouth ask.

I want to say 'yes' I am but the girl in the middle scoffed. Like he didn't believe. "No, they're not! All Viglianco siblings are boys, I never heard that they have a sister who has fucking green eyes." She eyed me. "They may have the same surname but they are not related. Surely." She laughs. making my forehead creased, who the hell told them that?

The girl with a pig tale hair laugh. "You're right Ine. She's just no one to the hot Viglianco boys. Look at her she's so off, you're maybe pretty but we are hotter them you." Then they all laugh.

"When Zeyt, Xyro, and Liv know about this I'm sure they'll probably say that you're an Imposter who is copying their middle name. Copycat!" The middle girl said, Her name is Ine. "Come on girls I dont like wasting my time with a copycat."

So, they knew about Zeyt, Xyro, and Liv but they don't know about Me and Adi? That's pure Bullshit. Zeyt, Xyro, and Liv have the same feature because they got it from out dad, they have brown eyes but me and Adi have green because we got this from our mother! Actually, only Kate and George knew they are my brothers, First George was Shock and even ask where I got my green eyes when the three of them got brown. So I told them, me and my first older brother have green. Then he slowly understands it. I don't know why the school didn't know about us being siblings. Maybe because I'm just not that person who likes attention. Like my brothers, they got attention because they're handsome, sporty, and smart. While me? I'm like an outcast. But I wonder why they didn't know about Adi. I want to laugh thinking about it.

But the sad part is, What if my brothers don't want to let the school know that I'm their sister. Hmm...

While I'm walking, I saw George. He's outside the boy's restroom, like waiting for someone in there. I approach him, "Waiting for someone?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm just touring the new student in my class. He's using the restroom." He pointed to the restroom door. I nodded and about to say goodbye when the door opened.

It was a tall guy with black hair, My eyebrows rose when I saw his face, Wow... he's kinda cute. When his eyes land on mine, he smiled. I guess this is the new guy, I never saw him before.

"This is Clark Justin, the new student I'm talking about Amae," George said.

I smiled and offered my hands, "Amae."

"Clark Justin." He shakes my hand.

Then I heard the bell rings, I bid my goodbyes and run. When I got there I saw, Kate. She waves and I seated next to her.