Chapter Twelve

We've been waiting here for twenty minutes and finally, they are done. I could see how Ine, Sarah, and Trish, cried. I don't know why, but I felt heavy inside. Even if they bullied me, I can't help but feel pity for them. I wonder what punishment they are taking.

I immediately stood up when my four brothers, come out, they don't have any expressions on their faces. But Adi frown when he saw me. He doesn't know that I was outside the whole time.

"Why are you here? You should be at the clinic." His eyebrows lined up. Then he looks and glared at the guys at his back, which happens to be his younger brothers. "You let her out?"

"I'm fine Adi, nothing to worry about. It's just a lump. It will heal tomorrow or another." I said.

"By the way, what will happen to them?" George pointed to the office doors, he's referring to Ine and her friends also does two unknown guys.

"Expulsion," Liv answered like it was just not a big deal.


I got home early because Adi forces me to rest back home and not attend my afternoon classes. I didn't want to go because I have a test and study last night will just be useless. But of course, my brothers didn't let me. The four of them force me to go home. and I can't win because there are four of them and only one of me.

I don't have a choice but to ride with Adi home. The three stayed to continue their classes. While driving home with Adi, I can't help but think about the 'EXPULSION' thingy.

"I think... their punishment is too much," I told Adi while he was still driving. The words just come out of my mouth. I didn't regret it. I was fighting the urge to said that since I knew about the punishment.

I saw Adi frown and look at me. Good thing the light wore red. "You think Expulsion is too much?" He repeated what I said. I nodded. "Amae, They are too much already. They bullied you, badmouthing you, and worst of all they physically hurt you. And you think that Expulsion is too much? Being expelled from that school isn't enough. They even dare to lie to all of the students. And what if Zeyt and others weren't there? Your asthma would have attacked you and that's way worse than worse." I could feel anger at his voice.

"You can just at least suspend them for... a week or so." I look down and played with my fingers.


"I know that you didn't just Expel them from our school," I said. Before he got inside the car her called someone and heard their conversation. He is calling his friend. "They're not just being expelled but they also can't enter other this country. Am I right?" I also got curious about who he was talking to. That guy must be powerful.

I heard him sigh and look at the road his driving. "I should have done the call when we got home." He mumbles.

"Just at least... Expelled them... and nothing else but only Expulsion." I convinced him if I could kneel I would.

He looks at me sharply. His thinking. deep. And then he sighs, giving up. "Fine. Expulsion is enough. But if ever they hurt you again, I'll throw them into the volcano." He said, At first I thought he was joking but seeing his face so serious. Looks like he's really serious.

"Okay, I agree." I don't have a choice. Let's just hope they won't do it again.

"Anyways... why are you so soft to them? They latterly just smash your head on the floor and you still siding them. Mind telling me why?" He said as he made a turn to McDonald's. Looks like someone's hungry.

While waiting for the line, I answered his question. "I wish I should have told them the truth," I said with a low voice. He raises his brows at me, not getting it. "They ask me if I'm really... a Viglianco or I'm just a... A fake one."

He got even more confused. "Why would you lie to them?"

I didn't lie to them, I didn't get a chance to answer. Then I thought it's better if I keep it that way because..." I sigh. "Xyro, Zeyt, and Liv. They are famous at school, not a day in class I can't hear girls gossiping about them. I don't want attention, it hurts my ears whenever I'm in crowded places. I don't need attention. That's why I just let them think I'm fake but I was wrong, they bullied me. Hurt me. and tell everyone that I'm fake. I hated that discussion."

"But... it's your second year. How come they just notice now?"

"When I was my first year no one was interested about my surname because they are just new, they don't know the school too much. So no one notices me, Maybe others notice but they just shut their mouths. and the funny thing is the teachers only called me by my name. Because they are having a hard time pronouncing it." I explained. I just notice this was our longest conversation. I don't talk too much to him. It's cool.

It's finally our turn to order. "Can I have one Big Mac and?" He looks at me.

"Just mcflurry."

"And a mcflurry. That's all."

We got our food and we went back our track to our house. Adi was only holding the steering wheel with one of his hands while the other is holding a burger and I'm here eating the Mcflurry.

"Trash Damsel." He suddenly said getting my attention. I look at him curiously. "She was the one who is spreading all the rumors, she told everyone she asks Xyro and the others if they knew about you and they said no. She was also behind why Ine is mad at you, she was like the main source, She keeps telling her to everything is her fault, even if it isn't. And she knew all along who you really are." Once he finished I started to remember the scene at the girls' restroom.

Ine failed the test and Trish was like telling her that it was all my fault because I stressed her out. And all along she knew who really am I? I didn't even know her at first! "W-why? I don't remember doing horrible things to her."

He took a deep sigh. "She sleeps with Zeyt. Then Zeyt becomes her obsession. But unfortunately, Zeyt dumps her in front of many people saying things horrible to her. Revenge and Anger blinded her. Then she knew about you... so instead of getting revenge on Zeyt, she chose you. Weird dumb girl."

I bit my lips. Wow. Love can be really an obsession. How scary.

I then chuckled because I remember something. "Is that why you were throwing death glares at Zeyt when you were at the office?"

"You were just seating there watching us?" He smiles and chuckled. Wow, that's once in a blue moon. He often smiles like that.

I finish my Mcflurry and put the empty cup on my side so I can throw it away later when getting home. "Yeah, I'm just worried."

"Worried about what?"

"For a fact, I know that you have anger issues. And you can't control yourself you might hurt someone and I don't want that." I said.

And just like that his smile went off and become a serious face. Did I say something wrong? I just told him my honest opinion. Did he got offended when I told him about his anger issues?

We finally took out the last turn and VOILA. Where here.

"Can I ask you something?" He suddenly asks.


"What if... I'm doing a bad thing. A really really mad thing? Can you forgive me?"

My jaw gritted. "Honestly, I don't know. Maybe yes maybe not. Depends on how bad it is." I answered. He nodded and give me a smile before entering the house.