Chapter Twenty-three (Part 2)

"AHHHH!!!" I shouted in fear, as I saw blood, dead crows in my room. I was frighten, who could have done this! I could feel my knees trembling, my hands sweating and shaking. I could even heard my own heartbeat! Tears started forming in my eyes.

I need to get out of here...

My body was cold and shaking while I was running out from my room. Because of my tears, my body shaking and feeling dizzy, I accidentally bump in the hallway walls– just in front of my room.

I was so weak, my knees collapsed on the ground shaking i fear. I couldn't even breath properly. While I was kneeling on the floor holding the wall near me for support I heard doors opening. I already knew who, It my brothers.

As much as I hate them seeing me weak and hopeless, there is not much I could do. I couldn't run.

"Amea!" The three of them shouted. I felt someone caressing my back.

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"You look like you've seen a ghost."

They asked me questions. But I still couldn't answer then.

"What is happening??" It was Adi. "I heard a shout fro- Fuck! Amea!" I heard his heavy footsteps running towards our direction. He immediately ask me what is happening. I lean my back on the wall trying to get strength so I could answer them.

With my shaky hands I gathered all my strength and pointed my room then said. "B-blood...D-dean C-c-crows."I was stuttering I don't know if they even understood it, but just by remembering it, I started to loss my breath.

Asthma attack.

My chest was moving up and down, I was hyperventing, I couldn't breathe. I grab my chest and dug my nails on it. I hate this feeling! I haye this feeling running out of air! It's like I'm going to die in a few seconds.

"Shit! Amea breathe! Get her inhaler! Go faster." He ordered Liv, but it was to late. pitch black started to cover my whole vision, but even though I saw how Liv run inside my room and cursed on what he just saw. And then I loss my consciousness. I just feel on the of the person beside me, which was Xyro. I hug him and lost all my strength.


I woke up in a familiar room, It wasn't mine. I look around and saw some familiar furniture's. It was Adi's room. His room is not the same floor like ours. His is on the third floor, which where I'm at.

I sat up and cupped my head when I felt pain and dizziness. I froze when I remembered everything. The dead birds, blood and a message written on my walls. I shivered but unlike earlier it isn't that bad anymore, To the fact I couldn't even moved.

I hug my legs and lean my forehead on my knees for support. What is happening to my life? What do that guys want from me? from us!? Do they really want us dead?

I tear slid out of my eyes, I couldn't even imagine losing another love one! What did I even do on my past life do deserve this!? I lost my parents and I'm not losing any of my brother's! If they want me, then they can take me!

I went back to reality when I heard the door open. I raise my head and saw Xyro. When he see me already woke up, he give me a small smile. The common smile that everyone is telling me that everything is fine but it's absolutely not!

"How long was I been asleep?" I was attacked by my asthma, usually I would woke up ten hours after.

He sat beside me. "Just three to four hours, don't worry." I nodded at his answers. "Are you feeling anything?"

I shake my head, I would be lying if I said I'm okay. I could have died because of that attack. it's all because of– my stomach twist when I remembered that moment. Picturing the blood and dead birds. I made a puking sound which alerted Xyro. I covered my mouth, before I could vomit everything I run to Adi's bathroom and vomit at the toilet, I kneeled while I poked everything inside my body.

I also felt Xyro's presence. He caressed my back and hold my hair. Minutes after I'm finally done and flush the toilet. I don't even know what I'm feeling. "Do you want water?" He ask. I was to weak even speak, I just nodded. I stood up but my knees was to weak. And Xyro noticed it, he held my arms and put it on his shoulder, he also put his hands on my waist for more support.

While he was guiding me towards the bed. The door opens again and four person enters, It was Adi, Liv, Zeyt and our family doctor. They immediately approach us. "What happened to her?"

"She suddenly vomit when she woke up." He finally lay me at Adi's bed, I covered my self with his huge comforter. It's cold in here, I touch my forehead and I was having a small fever... Again.

Jeez! I just recovered like days ago! now I'm having it back!

"Hi, Amea. How are you feeling?" The doctor ask, my four brothers is just at his back watching.

I tried my best to talk. "I h-have a stomachache."

He smiled and wrote something on his clipboard. "Does you head hurt?"

I nodded. "I million." I answered.

"I have already check your temperature when you were unconscious, seems like you fever came back, but don't worry it's not that bad. You might will have experience mild trauma. And about your asthma..." He paused for a second, and smile at me again. "Don't get exhausted to much, don't get into polluted airs or even smoke and eat healthy to get more nutrients. I also list all you medicines and vitamins for you to drink, I gave it to Adi, he will be in charge to your medications. Now, just relax your body and no stress." He said and approach my brothers.

I didn't heard any of their conversations because they were all whispering, the only thing I know is that they are having a super serious convo. After that our doctor left. I don't know why but I have a feeling that my astma is getting worst.

Fuck... I'm so tired of this shits.