Chapter Twenty-Six

"Wow! It's been a long time since we all eat together!" Kate cheered. Yeah, she is right. It's almost two weeks since we all have lunch all together. Everyone is here actually, Me, Kate, Cherry, Clark, and George. The whole package.

We all are busy with each other's businesses. Kate is busy practicing volleyball, Cherry has many projects, and George is busy with something I don't know, maybe it is also school work. While me, I'm not busy. Will except for studying, But I study at home not here in school. I always have lunch in the abandoned garden, I'm always with Clark. It's like a routine for us both to eat lunch there.

But we made sure that we alarmed our phone before classes start, so I don't have to ride on Clark's back again. I laugh remembering that moment.

"Aw, I don't know that you missed me too much." George teased Kate, he even try to put his arms around her shoulders. But Kate kept pushing him away, with a disgusted face.

Kate glared at George. "Be disgusted by your words George! Ew! I wanna puke just by seeing your face." Kate darted back. Making everyone on the table laugh.

But I and Cherry secretly exchange stares and smirks. We knew what going on, we feel it. Ever since my first year, I know George has been building feelings for Kate but Kate is oblivious, and now she told us that she is starting to think that George is handsome.

Like she unknowingly muttered it while we were studying at the library. And then out of the blue, she said 'Why is George so handsome' she said while looking at her phone. I and Cherry got confused, we secretly peek at her phone and saw her zooming on George's face. Cherry and I wanna laugh but we restrain our self.

Cherry started a new conversation. "So Uhm... how were your weeks? We all need to catch up together."

Kate was the one who talks first. "Volleyball is so tiring, I wanna quit every time I miss my spike. But I just adore that sports too much!" She raises her hands that was filled with bruises and bandaids. "See! I have lots of bruises on my hands! and my knees and arms are painful! Good thing the coach decided to give us a week break."

Kate loves volleyball. She is always an MVP player on her team. She works hard for it she deserves it. "Ow, speaking of sports. I heard Liv invited you to watch his game."

I was shocked because Liv told George knew about it. "He told you?"

He nodded, "Yeah he did. He told me to accompany you while watching the game tomorrow."

A frown was made on my face. "He told you that?" and I just received a nod from him. I'm glad that Liv, thinks of this. I might get into an awkward situation for some reason.

I saw a look from Kate, she wiggles her brows on me, smiling. She knew that I and my brothers are having a hard time with each other, she knows about it from the start but she doesn't know about the death threats and staff. As much as possible I don't want to involve her in this.

My life is probably in danger and I don't want any of my friends to be involved in my situation.

I heard a squeal from Cherry. "Aw, that's so sweet!" She then glances at her brother who is beside her. "You should be sweet to me too! You always bully me!" We laugh at the siblings. Clark just muffles his sister's hair making her wince. "What the hell! stop it, Clark! do you know how hard to comb this hair of mine!? this took me 5 minutes." She glared at him while facing her hair.

The lunch with them was fun and sometimes annoying. Because Kate and George keep on fighting, even in just small staff. Until the bell rings, a sign that we need to go to class.


Today is the day. Liv is going to play soccer against the other school. It is Saturday no school. This is Sunberry Academy. The school is as big as ours.

I felt shivers down to my spines when I notice all the students here are watching every single step we made. They were watching Liv, with admiration while they all eyed me with judgement, so I hid my self on Liv's back like a kid. As if they couldn't see me if I hide on my brothers back.

"Oh my! Liv Viglianco is here!"

"Wait who's that girl behind her? Don't tell me that his girlfriend!?"

"Girl no! I heard that is his younger sister."

I really hate when someone is talking about me and act like I couldn't heard them! If they want to talk about me they can do it later, once I'm miles away from them! It's like they are doing it on purpose so I can hear it.

I wanna glare at them but it would be disrespectful. Especially that this is not our school, I don't wanna cause a fight. Liv felt my awkward silence making him chuckle. He held my shoulder and move me forward. "Don't worry sis, people here don't bite." Is he teasing me or what?

I just nodded and look away from the people starring at us. Some people called Liv and greeted him, My brother only did was smile at them. I'm just following Liv where ever he goes, I think he's already been here before because he knows where to go perfectly. After minutes of walking and avoiding people we arrived on one of the rooms in this school.

And I sign in relief knowing that all of Liv's soccer-mate and schoolmates are here. At least now I'm with people who is the same school as me– even though I barely know them. But what relief me the most when I saw George and Clark. They are seating in the corner, when they saw me they approach me. All of us is wearing a red color t-shirt, to support our team.

"Amae!" He greeted me with a hug and lets me go. "Good thing your here now, I thought you won't come."

I laugh, We are almost late because of Adi, He didn't agreed to this. He said it would be dangerous to me– that someone is might be after me because on what happened on my room. But Liv beg him to let me go, and after 30 minutes of explaining to him that it would be fine, he finally agreed but it took 20 minutes of him telling us to becareful. If only not because of Liv's fast driving we would be late!

Liv look at me. "You be careful, press the button when ever you're in trouble." He remind me, Adi said that I should brought the remote thingy, So they can track or alarmed them if something is happening bad to me, it's like if I press this thing it would alarm there phone. The he looks at George and Clark. "You both take care of her, and something happens to her, I'll both cut of your heads." He warned. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir!" George said and even salutes like a soldier.

"Good, see yah sis." He said and left with his teammates. Leaving us. I wave goodbye when he turn to me.