Chapter Forty-One - An Assassination

Isaac Woodman

T1 2030 - In the courtyard below, Jason and Levin fought one another. The fight was brutal and even though it was for show, the two of them seemed to be fighting each other for real. Levin's head parted from his shoulders and in a horrifyingly sickening move, his now headless body caught his own decapitated head and in the same fluid motion, lobbed it at Jason. Jason grunted at the surprise attack and as the projectile vanished into smoke, Levin's body shuddered as the smoke flew towards his body, rejoining it. In seconds, Levin looked as good as new, which still managed to surprise me. Levin's attacks grew more experimental, the longer the fight proceeded, using his injuries to his advantage, catching Jason off guard. Blade parted flesh and the dismembered part was quickly used as a club or to blind. The entire dance was macabre and all through it, Levin smiled. Jason on the other hand looked to be struggling, his power to copy the movements of others being rendered useless against his foe. Jason only held on due to his experience and training which made the outcome of the fight uncertain.

"I reckon Levin will win," I heard an observer of the match state to their friend as I snuck behind.

"Oh come on, it's obvious Jason will win," the other figure responded and I smiled at the obvious success of the ruse. I noticed a few gambling with meal cards and precious commodities, which I chose to ignore. The courtyard turned gladiatorial stadium was rife with chatter as the two fought. I slunk through the crowds, hearing similar conversations pertaining to the watchers preferred victor.

"Men," a familiar voice scoffed to herself as I rose from the crowd to her right.

"I'm hurt Fiona," I replied as I followed her eyes to the brawl. Jason swung wide, catching Levin in the forearm, failing to take it off in one clean swing. Seeing this, Levin dropped to the floor, causing Jason, in a split decision that proved fatal, to let go. Levin laughed to himself as he tore the blade free with a grunt of obvious pain and tossed the blade to the floor behind him, and directly below the figure who we were after. I knew from the gleam in Levin's eyes that the coincidental placement of the weapon wasn't planned and I scoffed as I knew where this was heading.

"But I'm not wrong," she stated as she also noticed the blade near the figure. Her French accent was still strong even though she hadn't been to France in about four years now.

"I think I have to agree with you on this one, I think Levin plans to settle their dispute once and for all."

"Why can't they be like Harold? Or like you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," she smiled, but the smile was for show. "Is Harold in position?"

"I don't know, it's better if he acts sooner rather -" My words were cut off as a streak of indigo light tore through the air, distorting the coolness. The screams followed, unsure of what had just happened, and as Fiona and I looked up, I and her sighed in annoyance. Harold had managed to hit his mark, but the target was still breathing. Well, he was, until Jason and Levin had broken out of their violent stupor and Jason's tossed aside weapon sliced through the target's head. Electricity crackled out from the figure behind him and a part of me knew we had been played for fools.

T1 2040 - "You lot are real pathetic, you know?" Harry spluttered, finding it hard to speak with his mouth full of blood.

"The pathetic one is you," Harold stated, his eyes and hands giving off wisps of trailing light.

"Ha, you, you finally succeeded after what,-" he turned his head to the side, spitting out a thick glob of blood, "ten, ten years? Ha, so much, for, the worlds, strongest. Did, did you bribe, someone, for that, title?" he smirked, even when dying, this man irked me.

"Why did you do this?" I asked and he turned to me with a weird glint in his eye.

"Do what? Oh, you mean that?" He looked at the swimming pool which contained the body of a solitary figure with ginger hair that looked unknown without his mask. "Let's, let's just say I saw the truth." The gangster grinned, blood dripping down his chin like saliva. "Get on with it." Harold obliged, sending a solitary beam of green light through him, leaving a burnt hole where his face would have been. I knew I should have felt some sort of reaction to the violence, but I only felt contempt. I turned from the corpse to the pool and tentatively touched the water before wading in and retrieving the body of the ginger haired man.