Like a wussy pigeon, I didn't open my eyes and even didn't tend to intake any breath, especially that burning wood kind of smell from that offended vampire, whose coldness was growing wilder and closer,
"Don't keep her all to yourself!"
"I also want her!"
"What if the director knows?!" someone yells, and it seems like a sunrise to me but,
"We are at no fault, she exposed her blood all over, to seduce first!"
Excuse me?! Seduce?!
And they are talking as if I was throwing kerosene all over the place, it was an accident that I left my injury untreated- that I usually like to let go as it was, so what can't my injury be allowed to treat naturally?!
This seems so skeptical like they call the girls to cover themselves because they look seductive?!
Why I am getting so wise point right now?!
"Now it's time to punish you!" he chuckled and I could feel his other hand touching my collarbone,
This... He is unveiling my muffler!
My heart palpitated endlessly,
I can't let anyone know of that marks!
(let maria be an exception!)
And I steady siren ringing with a red sign of a skeleton head, and my eyes flashed open out of unconsciousness-
"...I will kick your ass if you did that!"
Surprised, the one who held me his hostage, laughed at my grimy expression, as he leans moreover me, and whispered in my ear-
"Can you?!"
"With pleasure..." and I bite that damnhead's ear as if piercing through his skin-
The whole surrounding was sent to pin-drop silence, and I heard again click but this time twice- or so, with flash,
And he, himself pushed away holding his ear which was now red- with blood,
Yes, was seriously blood!
And my tongue was no exception, that tasted a little salty and rusty- and I spit me out as soon as I can without feeling guilt for once!
I seriously despite this!
How do these vampires manage to drink gallons of blood? It tastes seriously awful!
Beyond awful! I need sweets!
And... I am hungry for one and a half days... I seriously need some tasty nutrients, now!
But... The fight was not over yet!
Breaking news!!!
"We heard, that you have made a documentary achievement of biting a vampire, is that right?!"
"It's as true as 24-carat gold, I bit him right on his left ear...he must thank me, I made piercing holes for him now he can even wear ear accessories if he likes as if people do in k-drama, and most importantly, I did it for free!"
"Are you thinking of this as a business in the future?!"
"Well, who knows what happens in the future- maybe... I meet a man, beautiful gorgeous (The cheeks blushing) ..nevermind, we fall in love and then we both could come together to take our pricing business to new hikes!"
"So ambitious, Miss Willy, what's your message to the world after this incident?!"
"Hm... Firstly humans, if you are not a vampire and think of dressing as a vampire on Halloween, never try to taste the blood for real 'cause raspberry smoothy is way better than this, rather drink poison if you like, that taste better than this! But never blood! "
"You pitiful human... How dare... How dare you?!" he screamed to me but I return and roared massaging my wrist, straightening my spine a bit -
A new potency seems to erupt inside me-
"Like you dared!"
The whole arena seems to be quiet- even if they were all a dozen of vampires, they fear me for a moment- as I thought from what I saw, no one dare to keep a step forward, until-
"Shut up you bitch! How dare you harm my Zezei?!"
Until that resilience force pertained to my hair, from my behind-
"Who- ah?!" I tried to get off her clench- that strong clench, that even my all struggle was hard to get out from, but then she pulled me back and whispered-
"The bitches should be tied by the chain... Do you understand me?! "
"Babe, drain her blood!" that injured fella screeched, and like a disciple - the whole crowd started to hail in the same rhyme
"Drain her blood! Drain her blood!"
Even my heartbeat seems to follow the rhyme!
What a betrayer, my heart is!
I feel her hand reaching my neck slowly-
" Close your eyes... 'cause it's going to hurt a lot!"
Oh no!
I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'M GONNNA DIE!!!!
Maria's words are getting true!
Mom, dad, I am sorry, you were right whole world is bloodthirsty!
And my all mighty, beware! Cause finally, I am coming to ruin your Eden!
" Ela Doman, how dare you lay your hand over my girl?!"
Does God got threatened?!
Cause he sent me a savior,
Only that man- who calls me his girl here, the Brook Viber of the werewolf clan of so and so which I don't know something called toluene... Tijuana... Whatever it is, don't matter cause now he was here- his hair flows up in the air, and I felt as if I was that kidnap-prone girl from old movies,
like my smile, spread wider than ever when I looked at the loner- the alpha in a group of pales,
As if singing a cabre, a song for my savior...
"You... You, oh mighty wolf of all... I have waited so long for you to avenge me..."
Seriously, that's way too dramatic!
But, remarkably nothing like this ever happens!
So, don't imagine that even in your dreams!
Jezz, Where my head is these days?!
That woman, who held my hair in her hand stranger my head pulling me back-
"So she belongs to you?! Then find some other! " and proceed to dig her pin-pointed teeth into my skin but enough is already enough!
"What do you think I am?! A pack of drinks?! You can buy another one?! how about you, what if this babe of yours ever put you in a condition, where you do not mind having another girl for him too?!"
Yep, got her thinking! And I continued-
"If I get hurt, brook will be a witness and you all will be charged for your deed, and you all witnesser of my death should know the standbys are charged with more lethal charges than the actual accuser!"
That got the blood out of all drains rather than mine,
Now, who's sweating?!
"Ela, let her go!" "Let her go please!"
"Ela..." she still held my hair and me in an unexplained conflict,
But... Mr. Offencer vampire wasn't that easy to give-
"Kill her Ela! She bite me, did you forget all that! Babe do it! "
However, she let go of my hair in one stand moving her jaw away,
"No Ela babe!"
But she just sigh and turn her hefty head to me-
"Don't think I spare your life today, I saved a dish for me to have later..."
"We will see that... " I said with an intense look,
(Hey readers,
I am back after one day of big rest and my days are going in great disparity and depravity of no love and no goal, but to lay in bed the whole day and think it's not a big deal!
Seriously, right in the middle of exams?!
Spoiler: main lead takes a step toward knowing more about Viber, his clan, and his people-
"Can I kiss you?!"
And then, "You dare to be with my alpha?!"
How can lethal luna be away from the room party?!