Something's Fishy

"So...What's so extraordinary of that nuisance that made a good lad like you, go off tracks?"

Her red eyes, that was lit in amusement rested on the very plain yet beautiful, Professor Tyler

"I don't have anything to do with that nauseous girl but I only did what I did today for the sake of my brother"

"Professor Arthur?"

He nods his head thoughtfully and continued-

"that nuisance has been transferred to my brother recently--"

Abruptly, the director chuckled-

" of which he eagerly accepted and even requested this!"

"Maybe he yearns to trigger the nuisance for himself but as his younger brother, I would not let any nuisance whiff him..." the professor said in the same icy state, with his arms crossed over his chest,


Director peacefully settle on her throne again and set her spectacle over her nose when she now let out a thick aura of seriousness in her words-

"Okay, your brother is her mentor, so now what? Are you now thinking of becoming her guardian even in the wrong, letting her do whatever she wishes and then cover up for her?!"

"No, if she tries to do one more chaos, then I am afraid she is going to suffer under my jurisdiction...but I request you, Director Lauren, please don't look into her matter anymore and, I will take good care of her!" he said in utmost trustworthiness looking straight into the devil's stares,


"What was that?!"


From the outside of the barriers of that pronounced soundless office, a wide range of hustle and bustle could be heard maybe faint but still noticeable,

"Victoria, look what is happening outside. " Director ordered her statued PA who shook her head in a firm, yes, showing some sign of life, but Professor Tyler raise his hand straight horizontally as if applying restrictions on Mrs--PA's movement--

"Please don't bother, Mrs, I will look into this,"

And veer around himself toward the only entrance cum exit,

"Before you leave professor(he glanced back), I did like to propose that if you want to put that girl and wolf clan under your jurisdiction, I think you won't mind managing their community services"

"Anything you say"

His expression remained as it was And he left without any objection, knowing that it was equally a punishment, of course, nothing goes without justice in the Director's court!

"What do you think of this, Victoria?"

"Of what, ma'am?" Mrs. Victoria, glace at her boss's face eagerly and quietly puzzled as if she knew nothing behind that big smile of the Director, that rarely occur-

"Nevermind, just keep a close eye on Stone and provide me all details of her"

"But she's just an ordinary girl---" Victoria complained but then sealed her lips, and lower her eyes,

"Ordinary? (Director laughter) Something fishy is exceptionally occurring on the campus behind our backs"


"Huff... Huff..."

Phew, I am finally out! I thought I was going to collapse there!

But... I am still very much alive!

Nonetheless, say anything Gabriel is going to enjoy this and vibe---

Ahem, god please save him, but, they are werewolves after all they will get along easier, am I not right?! Please let me stay right in this!

Come on Willy,

the arrow has been shot off by the bow, now there is no way I could regret it, let's just wait for the result and hope for the best!

With great determination, I walk into my clan hall- where life exists! Seriously, where do they get that motto from?!

'cause the whole clan hall seem to be haunted,

Where is everyone?!

someone's going to rob the clan at this rate!


Anyways, breakfast time is almost on the brink of the end, I must keep my mind focused on getting some nourishment for now, or else...

My face suddenly felt soggy reflection,

...or else, I would be lying on the stretcher for the third day in a row,

(Miss Olivia took out a big syringe, with me tied on her stretcher-

" What did I tell you?!"

"I swear I took the *Sob* intake at the appropriate time! Please spare me, Miss Olivia! PLEASE!!!"

Nevertheless, she proceeds to walk towards me carrying that giant injection filled with some thick ele like glycerin between her both arms, and her laughter so terrifying, echoed-


as I took a big lump of saliva down my throat,

Seriously, I don't underestimate this prediction!

Even if it feels hyperbola for a sweet nurse like her past experiences with doctors don't allow me to calm down!

"No No, I will be a good child! Aghhhhhh!!!!"

"Don't move, it will be smooth...hehe..." and the syringe, so sharp and shiny was drawn into a little kid's arm!

It still chills my soul to think something like that even happened!

Agh! * Grumble * at this rate my stomach will consume itself!

I have to get food into my belly!

And I thud my foot hurriedly and unforeseen confidence towards the grand table of

'What the hell?' because hell is definately way better than that, as I examined with my eyes balls that were about to roll out of my sockets, and my ears that were covered by my palm, witnessing what lies inside the quiet hall where I first walked by-- that now lies in chaos!

Aha although there was one got news- here is the whole human populace gathered under one hall, that sound like a loudspeaker has been placed in with the girls-boys running like rats in the great banquet, chasing each other or even sitting over the table with their shoes on?!

Where is table etiquette?!


I covered my nose with my right hand leaving my one ear in the company of loudspeakers,

What is that awful smell?!

Did someone die in here?!

I feel like throwing up! I can't handle it anymore!

(But... "Willow, have you done your breakfast?!")

Miss Olivia's smirking face with that big syringe is still terrifying!

Mustering some courage and filling my lungs with fresh air, this time with my closed nostrils, I stepped undeviated between the chaos-

"Catch it!"

What?! I looked up still holding my hand on my nose, someone through something slimy blue up in the air-

Wait, is that a fish?!

They are even playing with a dead fish! How cruel these people are?!

Anyway, I can't fight them and waste my precious oxygen on these fools!

let your soul meet the light of heaven, Amen, I prayed with my finger moving up and down, and started walking again, pulled up a tray- that yellow color tray, and ambled to the counter where the food rested-

"Ew... That's leftover..."

And that was my only expression, and that fish on which I have prayed heaven's sibling all rested over the metal counter box and undercooked in the company of flies!

All of you may find heaven! Amen!

Also, if I eat this food, definately I am going down with food poisoning! Am I the only one who has a problem with food or everyone has got habitual with this quality of food?!

"Oh, the latecomer has finally arrived!"

Excuse me?!

I looked in the direction of the voice and--

"Mr. Creepster, how are you?" I greeted him?! That seems impossible in physical terms to me, that I wasted my oxygen Yeah, on greeting 'our lovely warden' Mr. Creepster

But... Agh! This ammonia-like odor!

I hold my breath in my lungs sealing my lips just looking at him without any attempt to bust into laughter,

Control, Willy! Control!

"I'm good, but you don't seem to be fine" he commented, almost leaving me baffled-


"Don't you have any human company, you look more like a ghost alone in broad daylight"

"Sir, I do have human friends"

"Then why can't I see them?! Or they are just in the air?!"

He's not wrong... I haven't seen even a single human friend of mine- not Nev or Ivy from the time they left me at the library, and even Nev and Mary weren't present in the music class... And they aren't even present in the mess right now!

Did the apocalypse happen is that why I am feeling fishy or is it because of this undercooked fish on the counter?!

(hey readers,

Just go read it! I have not much to say! Just go fishy!





Is it me or nev and Mary are digging a hole in the ground?!