A man with a long mane of red hair, looked at the shield that hung on one of the many walls of the palace. There was quite a history behind that shield.
The Dragon's second-born son, Dameresian, had many adventures and after many years finally settled in the land of Abarentius, that was ruled at the time by the Tamertius family. A stern man by many accounts, with a raptor gaze, blond-haired.
The shield shinned, a blue tower on a gray background with a brown hill, in from of the hill black spikes.
Many wars did he face with Tamertius family. All that is left of the Tamertius family is their sigil and the rude songs sang in the petty hours of the taverns.
Slowly he expanded his small kingdom.
His sons were the same as he was in their age.
The kingdom at the end of his reign was ten times larger.
But only, the fourth son would be truly remembered as the conqueror.
His sons in the later years significantly expanded the kingdom.