In the Footsteps of the Dragon

"What do you see?" asked the lizard-man placing the hound helm on his head.

The other one looked through his telescope. "Two warriors and fat wizard, sir."

"Don't lose them! They will lead us to the treasure."

Night fell. The wizard sat close to the fire, the second warrior, more bear than man, stood near by and the first one looked into the darkness.

"I can see them in the darkness, they are still here."

"Friends or foes," the second asked.

"That I don't know."

"Neither," replied the old wizard. "They follow the lend as we do, but they don't know the second part. Long before us, there was a group of three that found clues to the treasure. Only the Dragon found the treasure."

After a full days ride, the entered the cave and found a few coins.