Chapter Three

Never did she expect that a day will come where someone will look for her without reason, someone who just wanted to see her.

And that someone is her second official friend, Miana.

"Sis! I just dropped here but I'll be going in a bit. I have dinner with the fam~" She said in a sing-song manner.

Miana put both of her arms on top of the counter like she's in a bar asking for a wine.

Chris appear and pat Miana's head, "This is a first time, my cutie."

Miana giggle, "Hehe. I'm not here for you, Bro. I'm here for my new found best friend!"

Chris look around the café then stare at Miana whose smiling at Blanche.

"Blanche???" Chris asked.

"Yes! My cry-baby Blanche," Miana answered.

"Shut up," Blanche glared at her.

Blanche will most likely to overlook this type of comment about her but she could not let her mouth shut because that comment was not offensive, it was for teasing. And this is the first time that someone teased her for showing her weak side... which she find amusing.

Chris does not tease her that frequently and he'll only do so when it's about work which she did not argue about because it does not affect her at all.

However, this one made her feel embarrass.

She look away.

Chris laugh, "Omg, I didn't know. What a small world."

Miana, "Indeed, a small world. Brother, are you going to the family dinner later?"

Chris' eyes seems to blacken, "I won't. I'll be closing late today. Say my regards,"

Miana scoff, "Ha-ha. I'll pretend I believe you, bro. Anyway, please take care of my sis. I'll be going!"

Miana hug Blanche even though the counter is obstructing them. Nothing can stop her from doing what she want. Just from seeing how naughty and enthusiastic Miana was, Blanche already knew what kind of person she is. She is a woman whose true to her words.

They said goodbyes to each other and the other went away.

Blanche, "How's your day, Boss?"

Chris whisper, "It's better! Paterson and I are already okay. He broke up with his girlfriend,"

Blanche ask in a small voice, "Why?"

Chris hit her shoulder lightly, "You're gossiping, huh. And in front of your boss. You make me wow, Ms. Blanche Falestine."

Blanche laugh, "But you're the one who started it. Come on, just spill the tea,"

Chris, "Well, her girlfriend cheated on him. Like what I said, I've been telling him she's cheating but he won't believe his best fucking friend. That fucker, I wanna punch him multiple times until he lost his handsomeness,"

Blanche, "You should ignore him. How could he doubt his bro? That's so no-no,"

Chris, "Yeah, right. I've ignored him for two weeks but he continuously asked for forgiveness and even gave me gifts. I could not set him aside anymore so I forgave him. You know me, I'm broke."

Blanche smirk, "That's so you. It's even a miracle that you lasted for two weeks."

They both laugh.

They only stop chit-chatting because customers started to fill the café. They got busy entertaining and having fun talking with their regulars which made the work much enjoying.

A man with his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie enter the café and stand in front of the counter.

Blanche, stand on the other side while waiting for the order. She could not see his face because of the facemask and a round eyeglasses that could not peak the eyes due to the reflection of the light on it. She tried moving her head a little unnoticed to see his eyes but could not. She gave up and sighed. 'What if this guy is a hold-upper? What if he's holding a gun inside the pocket? Damn, I can't protect the coffee!'

The man chuckle.

He then remove the hood on his head, pull down the facemask, and bent down that refract the light from his eyeglasses.

Blanche blink three times, "Callum,"

Callum, "Hey,"

Blanche smile, "What do you want to order?"

Callum, "An espresso, please."

Blanche, "Right away. Please have your seat,"

Blanche clean the portafilter and push the button on the grinders to have the pre-set dose. She tamp it evenly and consistently to remove any air pockets in the coffee puck so it will be completely leveled. Afterwards, she rinse the group head before she insert the portafilter and start the brewing while paying attention to the brew time.

She smell the result of her hard work. She can't help but feel proud everytime she brew coffee for she always dream to serve people with her ultimate passion.

Chris came after serving one of the customers. He point Callum in the garden, from which they sat weeks ago. "Take a 15-minute break. There are less customers, anyway. Have this, too." He offer another Espresso from the tray.

Blanche, "Why is there left? Someone didn't take it?"

Chris, "Yeah, he's just in a hurry so he did not drink it anymore."

Blanche, "He paid?"

Chris nodded.

Blanche, "Good. He will not be able to come back here if he did not."

Chris emit a stifle laugh, "You act like the boss."

Blanch stick her tongue out, "'Cause you don't,"


Blanche ignore him to emphasize the joke but she turn around and laugh with him. She then take the order to Callum. When she arrive, she placed the Espresso on the table. "Am I allowed to sit with this terrifying hoodlum?"

"That's harsh but okay," He stand up and pull the chair for her.

"Ops, I misspoke. You're actually a gentleman."

"I know right," He scoffed.

Blanche titter.

Just like their first coffee night out, the silence dominated them. They are thinking of something to talk about but end up drinking their cup of Espresso. 

It's funny how they both drink at the same time. It made them laugh at their own awkwardness.

"Man, it's been a while." Blanche blurted out.

"Yeah, I've been busy with our thesis. I was not able to pass by because of hectic schedule." He sighed.

"You must be exhausted, huh."

"Yeah, today is my rest day so I decided to, uhm, take a look... I mean, take a drink of coffee." He looked away and drank his coffee.

Blanche close her eyes and lean on the back of the chair. "My back hurts, haha."

Callum stare at her. He is fascinated by her calmness and serendipity. She's not even doubting him even though this is only their second time seeing each other again. 'She's so defenseless...' He thought.

"You're wearing your eyeglasses," He pointed out.

Blanche open her eyes and seat more appropriately, lean on the table. "Yeah, you didn't see me wearing it last time because I thought I would not serve. You're also wearing one!"

Callum look shock, he immediately touch his face and felt that there's really a stuff on his eyes. "I didn't notice. Damn,"

"You look hot wearing that. Is that eyeglasses graded?"

"This is a radiation glasses. I've been using my laptop too much so my Mom decided to buy me this because she read an article about this type of glasses,"

"What a sweet mom," She smiled.

The background music in the café is heard even in the garden.

When I think of you sometime

And I wanna spend some time with you 🎵

Blanche giggle, "That's my favourite song,"

Just the two of us

We can make it if we try 🎵

Callum, "It's not my favourite, but it's such a soothing sound. I've listened to this song,"

Just the two of us

(Just the two of us)

Just the two of us

Blanche, "Right?! It was such a nice song, I could even do sexy dance using this. Haha, just kidding."

Callum laugh, "Sounds naughty."

Building castles in the sky

Just the two of us

You and I 🎵

They went silent as they listen to the song. It was quite applicable to the both of them because they are alone and there's only two of them in the garden. It was such a coincidence. The song is giving new emotions out of them they could not named. It was sedative, adding the embrace of the cold wind.

"Just the two of us," Callum sang.

"You and I," Blanche continued.

They clapped their hands and then did a high five which made them break up a laughter heartily.

Trying to set aside the hysteria pump of their heart brought by the song, they drink their coffee.


Song played: Just The Two Of Us by Grover Washington, Jr ft. Bill Withers