
My body trembled as I stared at the figure on the other side of the canal.

I could not move, as if I was paralyzed by it like in my dream.

My heart beat faster, and sweat seeped through my pores. Dizziness drowned me, and I fell handless to the floor.

"Maaary," hearing my name calling out brought me back to reality, and I could feel the pain shout through my head.

"Aouch," I cried out silently and felt a bump on my head. I sat up and tried to recall how I ended up on the kitchen floor while searching for the one who called out for me.

But as I looked around: no one was there.

A cold breeze hit my neck, and I felt my blood freeze to ice as the kitchen light flickered above me. I was definitely not alone, and the unsettling feeling was emerging within.

"Leia?" I called out, hoping she was messing with me, even if I knew she wouldn't take it this far. I got up on unsteady feet and had to grab onto the counter to prevent myself from falling again.

But then the nausea hit me hard, and I rushed to the sink when vomit burned my throat. After hurling it out, I wiped my mouth with the top of my hand and drank the soda to get rid of the taste of vomit.

"Leia quit playing around. I feel sick." I called out again and walked out to the hall. I flipped the switch and waited for the light to come on, but the electricity must be out since nothing happened.

I hesitated to walk down the aisle in the dark, but the longer I stood there, the more uneasy I felt, and it was with unsteady feet I made my way down to my bedroom.

"Leia?!" I called out yet again and pushed the door open.

But my room appeared empty, so I got inside and quickly closed the door behind me.

This was getting out of hand. I must be hallucinating; no other rational explanation was left. This was all in my head, and I needed to straighten myself out.

"Maaaary," a hushed voice called out from my closet, and I felt my stomach turn. The tears burned in my eyes, and I panicked.

This can't be all in my head now; that voice clearly came from my closet.

"Who's there?" I whispered while tears streamed down my cheeks.

My body was quivering, and my gut was frozen with fear.

"Maaaary," A hushed voice whispered in my ear, and the coldness of its breath lingered on my neck, "STOP!" I cried, and I ran into my bathroom and locked the door. "GO AWAY!" I shouted at the door while I backed into the corner and slipped down to the floor. I crawled up and hid my face in my arms.

I rocked back and forth while bawling my eyes out and refused to look up when I felt the energy shift in the room.

"Just go away!" I desperately cried out as the room went cold, letting me know it was with me. My lungs struggled to inhale the hard, heavy air filling the room, and my mind was foggy and left me weak.

"Maaary," The voice vibrated through me, "Please, just leave me alone!" I sobbed, refusing to face it.

I woke up struggling for air. My body was cold, and I lay plained out on the kitchen floor. I tried to sit up, but my body was paralyzed.

My mind was trying to comprehend what was happening around me, but I could not grasp the correct memory that brought me here. Was I pouring up soda in the kitchen? But didn't I wake up? Was it all just a nightmare?

Finally, my body went soft, and I inhaled deeply for a minute before I got back on my feet. I was utterly drained and shuddered when I saw the clock over the microwave display the time at 3 a.m.

I turned the tap in the sink, poured a glass of water, and entered my bedroom. Something was going on since these dreams had haunted me for some time. I knew that 3. a.m. must mean something for this inhuman thing that returned and kept taunting me, playing with me night after night. But what was it? A demon? A demonic creature of some sort?

I cleaned myself up before crawling into bed, leaving the lights on in the room, and then fell into a heavy sleep.

"Mary, wake up!" I heard Leia shout from a distance, but I ignored her and pulled a pillow over my head. My body was still exhausted, and I needed a few more hours to recharge. "MARY!" Leia shouted again; this time, she must have leaned in because I felt my eardrum crackle.

"Leia, I swear to God, if he exists, I hardly slept last night. Please, leave me alone and let me get a few more hours. I BEG OF YOU!" I replied, and Leia removed the pillow, climbed into bed, and pulled the blanket over our heads. I felt her breath on my face, "How are you, really?" She asked, and I opened my eyes and saw her staring directly at me.

"I'm fine; go away!" I responded and rolled over to the other side.

"You are a terrible liar, Mary Oak!" Leia commented with a sough.

"Wats going on, Mary? You've been moody, tired, and just out of it lately. Those bags under your eyes have been there for weeks. I'm worried about you!" Leia pleaded, making me feel like the worst friend for not telling her about the nightmares.

"It's nothing, Leia. I have just had a hard time sleeping lately," I answered, "Why? What's keeping you up?" Leia replied, and she leaned over me, "Come on, Mary, speak!" She persisted while hanging over me.

"No, it's stupid, really!" I insisted, but Leia was not letting me off her hook.

"Just spit it out, now!" She said in a demanding tone, and I hesitated at first, but soon I unraveled it all while Leia had a puzzled look on her face.

"Say something!" I voiced uncertainty about how she would process all of this. "This is crazy, Mary," Leia replied but remained quiet.

"What, Leia?" I said after studying her face, knowing that she was the one who was hiding something now.