When the masked person stopped screaming and said the word kara, arni stooped thinking and opened the door he was hiding. He saw kara was going to get stabbed by the person, so he quickly ran towards kara and was able to save her. Arni kicked the person on the face and the masked was broken in two pieces, the identity of the person was revealed.
"wait! you are kara!" arni said.
kara was in complete shock and was not able to function the situation.
There was a complete silent, Then suddenly she again started attacking arni. The second kara was going all out and was about to stab arni and arni was not holding back, Then suddenly arni and kara found themselves in a parking area. Gazed by a little boy having chocolate in hand. They asked the boy what time is it. The boy said " 8 august,2020" . Oh so we are 2 years ahead.
The boy' mom comes and picked the boy and arni and kara started to move around searching for anything which can be helpful. When they came out of parking area which was underground, they was surprised to see that it was a rural area with a very big village. Kara said" we didn't see malls in rural area much", arni replied " yes".
Arni said" let's get out of the village, we can be in a trouble maybe". Kara agreed and they started walking a very quite road with not much vehicle's roaming around.
Kara said" So, what is all this, where are we, what we are going to do?"
" whoa whoa, three questions at a time ok, so for the first we are stuck at a particular realityyy.it the right word,iguess. For the second question we are at.....( reading boared alongside of the road) masakari, for Third we are roaming around, so that the time of next slip will happen"
" What is slip?" kara asked.
"well, slip is actually jumping one reality to other" Arni replied.
"why the name slip, not jump?" kara asked.
"well the name slip, sounds cool" Arni replied.
" yeh yeh funny. Now tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON YOU MOTHER FUCKER (grabbing arni's collar), I have ENOUGH of this Non sense And AM COMPLETELY PISSED OFF"
Arni with scared face,"Easy girl,let me explain"
(After explaining)
"WHAT THE FUCK" kara screamed.
to be continued-