Ch7- What's your name?

I was on that chair and then suddenly I saw My mate and a White haired guy with him.. they started laughing.

I wasn't fully awake.

"You're so stupid" says my mate. *Laughing*

Tears start to build up in my eyes.

No, I am not the type to cry but for some reason it hurts.

And then-

It was like I actually started waking up, I saw bright white lights and my mate caressing my cheek *blushing*

But they were talking.. about me? Unaware of the fact that I am up.

Ron(the doctor): You should be careful though, you know how your father will react.. He HATES werewolves.

My mate: I know but I guess we'll have to change that prospective of his now then.

Ron(the doctor): Well good luck with that then.

And then I decided to sit up.

My mate: You're up!

He's smiling like a little kid. *chuckling*


Me: shit

I said while keeping the hand on the Stabbed wound.

Ron: Relax. Just don't laugh right now.

I nodded.

My mate: Are you okay?

Me: Yes *smiling*

And he smiled back.

Then he asked Ron if I can go back up and rest there instead of here and he didn't mind so he carried me back to the another room.

He sat me on the bed and asked a few servants to send in some food.

He then changed to some pj's and sat infront of me on the bed.

My mate: I am sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen to you. I was just getting my room ready for you.


Me: So uh.. What's your name?

My mate: Oh right.. shit.. sorry. My name is.....