"Tess?" A male voice, laced with concern.

That's just my mind messing with me. He didn't come back, he doesn't come back.

"Tess?" This time it's more urgent. My shoulders are being shaken.

No, this isn't right. I'm not supposed to hear anything. Or feel. After a few moments, I feel something warm against my eyelids.


My eyes shoot open and Kyle is looking directly into my eyes. In his hand is a wet towel. I look around the white room and feel somewhat disappointed that death has left me once again.

Kyle's POV

I woke up at eight, took a shower and changed into sweatpants and a polo shirt. I was supposed to be going into the office today but I thought I'd first make a turn. After knocking a few times with no response, I take out the key she gave me and open it, calling out for her. I make my way to her bedroom and find her fast asleep, curled up in a ball.

I can't help but stop and stare. She is the epitome of innocent. The longer I stare, the more vivid an image it burns in my head. She's laying the same way she did; cocooned with her hand tight against her chest. She's also whimpering really softly and she's shaking as if she'd cold.

After futile attempts to wake her up, I go to the bathroom and wet a towel. I then gently wipe the perspiration off her forehead. She struggles against the beddings and releases a muffled scream before opening her eyes and looking at me.

She stares at me as though I'm the last person she wanted to see. The color fades from her face and I catch her head before she collapses against the pillow.

"Hey, look at me," I say softly as I continue to wipe her face and neck. After that, I get in bed beside her and hold her against me, lulling her back to sleep. She falls limply against my body as soft cries escape her lips.

I want to tell her I know how it feels like because I've had my share of nightmares but I doubt that bit of information will make anything fine. I'll never forget the emotions I see swirling in her eyes: arrays of fear, dissonance, dread.

"Do you have something you need to tell me?" she croaks.

Does she know? But what if she doesn't and I go spilling it all out to her only for her to turn against me and reporting me? Better yet, what if she leaves me?

I turn to face her and ask if she knows something but my ringtone goes off. I'm not sure whether to feel happy about the interruption or irritated. It's a bit of both. Carlos Greigh.

"Hey man!" Carlos yells in my ear.

"What's up?" I reply. Tess tries to get up but I hold her hand to prevent her from going anywhere.

"Come pick me up," he says, his voice flat.

"Wait-" He didn't. "Where are you?"

I hear him snicker. "Here. At the airport."

"Oh, really, and where do you plan on staying?" I ask, kissing the side of Tess' chin. She smiles at me.

"Under a rock would be just fine."

Tess chuckles and I smile at the sound.

"You got company?" Carlos' voice chirps in.

"Yes, yes I do," I say as I put the phone on speaker so they hear each other.

I can already feel the smirk on his face. "You smashed her yet?"


"What? Need I remind you you're representing the entire AUL House boys?" He asks sternly, making me smile at the memories of university.

"Put her through, I wanna charm her," he orders.

"You're already on speaker."

"Damn it," he curses lowly before speaking louder, "Hey there, I'm Carlos Greigh, what's your name?"

"I am Tess. Can't wait to meet you, Carlos."

"Oh, trust me, it'll be worth it. You might even regret being with that bozo," he says, cockiness dripping out of his voice.

"Okay, that's enough. Text me your location," I say as I remove him off speaker while Tess continues laughing at me.

"Thanks man. I owe you one," he says before hanging up.

"You want to accompany me to to the airport?" I ask, tugging her lose strands behind her ear.

"Sure, give me five," she replies, jumping off my lap and going to the bathroom. I go to the kitchen and make a sandwich. Soon she walks in, wearing a cream tank top and green pastel jeans.

"You didn't have to dress up for Carlos," I say, trying to keep my annoyance under control. He is always the one that got lucky with the ladies. So if he thinks he can have my girl, we gonna fight.

"I want to make a good impression," she smirks, kissing my cheek.

On the way to the airport, she asked questions such as how we became friends. Some of her questions were unsettling and I had to spin the truth a little just in case.

I spot a few empty parking spaces and pull up there, turning the engine off and looking around for him. He texted earlier saying he's in the cafeteria and I replied saying I'm outside. I catch a glimpse of him walking towards me holding three cups of coffee in his hands while an escort trails behind him carrying his luggage.

When he nears us, I get out and greet him, giving him a bro hug like we usually do. He tells his escort to put his suitcase in the trunk. Tess gets out and helps the escort with the smaller bags. For a part-time model, he sure has a lot of small bags for his 'necessities', which is just a nice word for cosmetics and make-up.

Tess bends over and her shirt rises up her back. I'm about to tell her when the escort swiftly pulls it down for her and she smiles in return. My hands form into knuckles. How dare he touch her? I'm about to butt in when Carlos puts a hand on my shoulder and holds me in place, rambling on about something.

I try to listen to him, but all I can see is red.


A/N probably really short but it's better than no update. What's Kyle's problem? Y'all wanna see more of Daniel?