Chapter -28 Someone out of place Chapter -1

Rosa quickly moved out of the room. It was a warm nice feeling but a cold intensity built up in her. A small voice poked in her knocking her head knocking in the moment.

‘Outsider’ it kept repeating like an echoing voice in a small four corners of the room. The voices did not have a mouth but it came from dark figures that came out around her, they crawled from the corners of the room. The figures crawled in like shadows and moved over the floors the tables and underneath the bed. They just have a human mouth and shape but no face they were all equal in size and with a human mouth to accompany them. They kept on repeating the words pointing at her and slowly the light of the room became darker. Rosa could not find the strength to move from the place where she was standing. Her eyes slowly went down from the happy scene in front of her to the dark face that starred back at her in the face back. The shadow underneath her feet just pointed at her.