Ch–48 Prison Life Pt -2

As usual the morning started with lining up to get out of the cell. Rosa used the rope that was used to tie her wrist to turn her hair into a ponytail. She made sure the mask stayed in proper place and tied her collars till no part of her neck was exposed.

They walked out one by one out of the cell. The usual carrying axe for the men while the females carried the baskets and pushed wooden trolley carts to transfer the ores. Alriah pulled her son close to her and tied his hand with the long veil.

“Don’t run away.” She warned him to stay close.

The workers from the village came to join them. The child stayed close to his mother. He walked close to her. All the other women did the same they would tie their veil in the hand of the child to keep them close or put them in a bag pocket in front of them and work around the place.

Rosa helped around them as much as possible but it was not enough. Sometimes the kids would go along to help their mothers.