Ch–54 Two visitors Pt-1

Rosa spent the next few days resting or according to her words being lazy cooped up in bed. Justin made her stay in bed until she would make a fuss to take a walk. At first, she did not complain as her body was weak due to extra strain but on the third day when her fever came down. She started to feel bored. Now she did not wish to sleep anymore. Rather she was confused about not having the nightmares in her dream.

Even though she got used to it. There usually be a few blood dripping people trying to drag her down to the pool of blood or drag her to the fire-burning ballroom or the recent trying to impale her with multiple amounts of spears they had in their hand. Somehow it is always spear instead of any other weapons. This is also one of the reasons she avoids using spears. She gets flashes of it from the dream play at the moment she extends her hand towards one.