Ch–68 Mismatched Pt-2

Rosa moved her sword to block attacks once from Deon next moved away from the place to block the attack from Michael. Michael on the other hand improved better. He was improving greatly. Michael from the first day is a lot weaker than the cadet now. He forced the broad sword on her with a smash. The broad sword in his hand has also changed to a heavier one. Deon took this chance to attack Michael. Michael blocked the attack, but Deon kicked him and pushed his chin with the elbow.

It made the grip weaker in his hands. It only took a few moments and He was down on his back with a swollen wrist. Rosa ran to attack she knew if this moment is lost, she would also be the one fallen on her back. Sir Deon on the other hand grinned and blocked her attack. He pushed her out of the way with a kick.