Ch–77 The attack Pt-1

It was nighttime. The street lamps glowing their light a few steps in front of them. Small light bugs moved around the glass covering the light inside. The stone path underneath the lamp is cold and silent. Not a living being could be sighted.

The stone path moves straight for a few feet and then curved to the left. The corner of the place is situated in the inn where Rosa is staying. She is in a room by herself. Her silent figure moved in the bed. She was laying on her right. The blanket was half on her body. Sweat trickled down from her forehead to the bed.

She moved impatiently to her back. The sweat from her body wet the bedsheet. The blanket moved to twist itself on her leg and half under the bed. Her breathing became labored. Her eyes flew open, her body pushed itself from the bed, her right hand came up to her heart, and heavy breathing continued.

‘Another nightmare of a nightmare.’ Her legs came up and she pulled her arms around them dropping her head on the knees.