Ch–82The death of the emperor Pt-1

The place is empty with only two guards bowed to let the three cadets enter the academy. Michael entered first with Raoul and Rosa entering behind him. Their results are supposed to reach after they arrive.

“I am going to sleep the whole day today.” He had dark circles under his eyes.

The stress of completing the report before they arrived with details kept him up. Raoul helped out with the report as well but looked better rested than him. Rosa on the other hand was no good when it comes to writing reports, she excused herself and slept the whole time. The door opened to the empty entry field. Michael moved to get down from the horse. He wanted to hand in the report and quickly go to sleep. Raoul agreed with him only Rosa was feeling a strange eeriness of the empty place.

‘This place should not be empty right?’ She offered to hand in the report instead of the other two.

‘You are a gem, Rosa.’ Michael replied in a sleepy state and excused himself.