Bk3: Ch–36 The Chain(pt-1)

The sound of ravens cawing can be seen in the bright white sky which was shining its brightest in the sun. The ravens are circulating just above the sky. Their voices are calling the other ravens to join them for a feast. A few of the vultures were also waiting on the dead tree waiting for their chance to prey on their newly fresh flesh to bite on. The fresh bloody food is the corpses just outside on the sand.

The corpse was fresh with its eyes still looking shocked as the slash in the middle of its mouth half of the corpse's mouth is moved the head barely held together from one side. The blood was going dark as it was drying fast in the heat. The raven landed closer to one of the corpses picking the meat from it, but the vultures instead of fighting with the ravens decided to take the corpse next to it. This one was headless and limbless.