“The ghosts and the Monique family are normal people with jobs around the Empire. They are part of the organization after the first job. There are people in the family who are spread out in the Empire. They gather when they are called.” Rosa explained.
“So, there are people from both Ghosts and Monique house right here in the castle? This is a breach of security.” Darce stated that he was still in his position.
Rosa shook her head at his comment. “Words bind them; they cannot raise arms against the Royal family. I was a ghost, remember?”
She tried to catch his eyes as Darce looked down at the floor. He was thinking about something hard. “However, I was unaware of their positions before entering the castle. The ghosts are not allowed to contact each other in their real life. I only know Oslo cause he is the messenger. Virgil, on the other hand, approached me.”
She thought again of the book. “Well, indirectly, I had to find him first; they made me go through a test.”