Her hand reached over and opened the door slowly as she walked in. In the dead of night, the only visibility is the light from the moon in the sky, which hides behind the clouds in intervals, and the candle in her hand. Her shadow moves on the wall as it covers the light yellow glow created by the candle. Her footsteps were low to make sure no one could hear her moving. As a head maid, Maria was the best, but she held a secret. Maria reached over to open the door to her bedroom. The door made a slight creaking sound. The light on the candle flickered as she walked in with it. Her hand held the candle firm as she put it on the desk beside the bed.
Maria’s room was full of servants from the castle, but she had a particular room. It was big enough to be an office and a bedroom for her. Maria sighed as she moved over to sit on the bed. Her shoulders sagged as her eyes fell on her hand. The mark of age was on it. She could feel a tremendous amount of pressure on her shoulders.