I had spent numerous nights lying in bed circling my throbbing clit, imagining that he would practice torturing me and making me beg and cry out for him. How would it feel to feel him behind me, roughly holding my throat as he edges me again and again, denying me what I want most?

How would it feel to finally have that deep yearning in my abdomen explode, only to have him driving his hard cock into my raw sensitive pussy once I'm done? In my desperation, I would look him up online to see if he was dating. Maybe one day I would be ballsy enough to let him know that I would let him do anything to me? However, I learned to give up those dreams and keep them as only my most secret fantasies.

It was last weekend that I went back to my hometown to visit my aunt for a get together. Closing in on the end of the fall season, they decided to throw once last get together to see everyone and enjoy the weather.

Of course, reuniting with old family and friends came with the same repetitive questions. Yes, Aunt Joyce, I do like working at my job. No, I'm living alone in my own apartment now. No, I don't have a boyfriend. I sat quietly at the kitchen table as a swarm of family friends treaded next and around me gossiping with one another.

Rehashing my life story every few moments required repeated refueling in my wine glass to stay sane, but I figured if I ended up drunk enough that could roll downstairs and hide from the crowd until the next day. By now, I was a little past tipsy ready for the evening to be over with.

"Hey! Look at our new neighbor!" my aunt exclaimed with a high-pitched glee.

I took a sip of wine as my eyes wandered over to the door.

"Hey." Mr. Carlos gave a half-efforted nod and placed a bottle of liquor on the table.

Inhaling deeply, the muscles of my stomach clenched as I processed this information.

Oh god. He's here. Not ready. Does he see me? He's looking this way! Play it cool. He's not interested in you. Don't be creepy.

How is still so hot? He must be, like, 43 now.

In my staring, our eyes met. I'm sure I looked like a confused deer at that point. He gave a small nod of recognition and a light smile.

"Everyone, this is Kevin, he was moved into the condo next door."

I kept my distance. And by that, I mean I watched him like a hawk through the corner of my eye. From what I gathered, he and his girlfriend had broken up some months ago and he wanted to move into a smaller house. Trying to keep myself together since I knew it was never going to happen, I walked downstairs for a breather.

It's fine. It's like he's not even here. Besides, don't you have a date in a few days. Let it go.

I went to their beer closet to rummage through the refrigerator, weighing my options to watch on TV until the party was over. The door opens.

"How's it going?" I turn around to see Mr. Carlos standing there, hands on his hips, giving me a quick eye up and down.

"Hey!" I nervously exclaimed. I gave a nervous tug on the hem of my blue sundress. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"It's been what" he inhaled dramatically "Ten years now?"

"Yeah, yeah." I swallowed. "Just finished my Master's. Working full-time now."

He walked closer.

"I always wonder what happens when you guys graduate. But look at you! You're all grown up now. You look good."

"Yep." I heard the sound of my aunt talking with friends growing louder as they entered the basement. I brushed past Mr. Carlos and went into the main area.

Do really think people are going to be suspicious?

"So, how are things at the school?"

He followed me out.

"Same old, same old. Mr. Bane finally retired. Working on my book. Are you still doing art stuff?"

He remembered.

"From time to time. I don't have a lot of time anymore."

Before I could go much further, he was ushered into a group with friends as they drank over the smoker.

Man, I must be desperate.

I sat on the couch and tried to remain focused on the conversations being directed toward me. I kept stealing glances at him outside, hands on hips and pelvis slightly thrusted out. I watched every detailed his body would make the way his nose would scrunch up when he tried to be sarcastic, or his smug grin as he talked about his latest golfing endeavor. Somewhere in my daze, his eyes met and caught me staring.

I hastily turned away as he gave a hearty laugh to whatever story was being told in his group of people. Moistness slowly collected in the fabric of my panties as I fought imagining a more x-rated turn of events for the night.

Night hit, and the party was finally leaving with only a few stragglers left behind. Mr. Carlos appeared again, giving polite thanks to my aunt and uncle before heading his way toward the door. I gave an exhale of relief and closed my eyes.

You were worrying about nothing. Nothing happened. Let it go.
