
Sebastian did not want to leave. He was making progress, Clara had been smiling freely for the past hour, and he wanted to be there for more. ‘I must admit she was kind of right when she said that a day or two here or there is not enough to know somebody, but I think it was enough for me to make small waves in this big pond. Enough to sow some seeds, and hopefully, she would grow some feelings for me.’

Reluctantly, he had to go to his meeting and cut his visit short, but he had another reason to leave. He was trying to conduct his own investigation about Clara because he knew that her brothers would never tell him anything. The news articles about her parents, Emelia and Nathan, all said they used to make it in the financial world. Nathan was the president of one of the most prestigious financial firms in the country. He had 2 daughters, Carmen and Celine. Carmen died twenty years ago, which was also the same time he stepped down and handed over his duties to someone else.

When he researched their company, it said that it was still existing, but just not as influential as it was before. The question niggling his mind was, how come Nathan works for Navio International? He was already working for Navio by the time Sebastian took over. The only other person who might have some insight into what happened will be his own dad.

‘I guess it’s time to visit my parents,’ he thought to himself.

When he came back from the docks, he went to visit his parents before he went home. It was a few hours’ drive away from home, but when Clara was involved, he would do anything.

Sebastian was talking to his parents over dinner when he asked his dad what he knew about Nathan Jacobs, Clara, and Celine’s dad.

John, Sebastian’s dad, said, ‘Nathan was a genius when it came to the financing world. He would close deals left and right, earning top dollar for any company that hired him. The nation thrived because of all his financial predictions and transactions, bringing in international companies that made huge investments.’

‘He was a hard worker, but he was also a very dedicated family man. Everyone knew he loved his girls more than anything in the world. This is why it was not unbelievable that his world collapsed when his oldest daughter died at the young age of ten. The company underwent some changes and got transferred over to someone else. Then the family went into seclusion.’

‘After several years of mourning, Nathan decided he wanted to come back and work again. And since I knew he was a genius, I did not hesitate to take him as our financial adviser. He has since proven his worth and has gained us the upper hand when it came to our shipping company, so it was a good deal.’

Sebastian learned a lot of things in that one visit, but he was still confused about where Clara fit this picture.

‘Why the question about Nathan? Did something happen to him?’ his father asked.

‘Nah, it’s nothing like that. I just have this nagging feeling, and I wanted to know your opinion about him.’ Sebastian would not tell his parents anything until he was sure about his findings. He might be wrong, and jumping to conclusions might ruin their opinion about Clara, and he could not let that happen.

He wanted to get all his facts together. It might hurt Clara if he dug too deep. Right now, their relationship was not on even ground, so there was no use tipping the boat. After this morning, the need to protect her and make her happy was at the top of his list.

For once, he can finally understand what his brother felt for his fiance and his dad for his mom. It was a little overwhelming, and he did not know how to help Clara if she would not talk to him.

Samantha Jacobs, Sebastian’s mom, has always doted on her kids, and she thinks that her eldest had been lonely for far too long. Taking over the position for her husband was an enormous responsibility, and it’s been ten years since he last dated. Or was it more?

‘At this age, he should already be married and preparing to have little ones,’ she thought. It worried her that she has not seen or heard of any prospective daughter-in-law since he started working. She knew of a few friends whose daughters were now in college, so maybe he could start with them. The younger his wife was, meant they could have more kids.

‘Seby, what is all this talk of the past, and Mr. Jacobs? Are you interested in his daughter… what’s her name… Celine? Is that why you are asking?’

‘You should marry her. I haven’t seen her lately, but I heard she's all grown up. With a beautiful mother, I expect she turned out well. I also heard she finished college, so beauty and brains, what’s more, to ask for?’

‘Doesn’t she work for your accounting department? It would be much easier to date her because you’re already in the same office,’ his mom volunteered. She knows their family because she had been friends with Emilia, Celine’s mom since they were in high school.

Samantha smiled when she recounted all the mischief they caused when they were teenagers.

Sebastian shook his head. ‘Here goes my mom, smiling and fixing me again with someone's daughter.’

‘Mom, thank you for dinner. It was delicious, as always. I really love you and respect your opinion, but I’m not interested in Celine or anyone you want to set me up with. I can find women on my own. Please, no blind dates or random visitors from somebody’s daughter, okay?’

‘Dad, I better get going if I want to reach my house and release my driver before midnight. It’ll take us at least 2 hours before we get home in this traffic.’ he got up, kissed his mom, and hugged his dad goodbye.’

Samantha hugged John when Sebastian left. ‘Why didn’t you tell him about the kidnapping, hon?’ she asked her husband.

‘Only a few people knew about it, and Emelia entrusted you with that secret. I do not know what our son is up to, and it might be dangerous for him if he knew too much.’

‘Remember, we still do not know who was behind those kidnappings, and Nathan is still wary of letting his remaining daughter out in public. He still thinks they are after him. We don’t want him to go into hiding again.’

‘I know it’s a little selfish because I want him to stay as our financial adviser. But it’s not our secret to tell either.’ John ended.