Another Visit

Clara was just walking through the doors when she felt her skin buzz as if something was going to happen, and she did not know if it was good or bad, but she hoped it was nothing disastrous.

Then she saw the girls at the front desk huddled together, talking to someone. She didn’t know if the raised voices were excitement or agitation, so she decided to check it out. The women at the front desk were her first defense, and if they couldn't prevent anybody from crossing over the line. Then security should have been called.

She knew it was him before he even turned around, and now she knew that buzzing feeling she felt was Sebastian standing ten feet in front of her.

He was chatting up the girls at the front desk, probably charming them so he could weasel his way into being allowed to go straight to her office when they all knew she wasn’t there yet. He held all their attention captive. They didn’t even notice her.