
Let me tell you a story so you would understand why I love Jeremy so much. He was the reason I started talking again when we were at the orphanage,’ Clara said as she ushered Heather to the sofa.

Sebastian wanted to tease her from the secret bedroom when he heard what she called out earlier. But when he heard Heather come in, he decided to listen to their conversation instead.

‘We were always hungry when we were at the orphanage. Food was always regulated. There was usually enough to slake your hunger, but not enough for nourishment. We learned early on that if we wanted to eat, we had to forage or help in the neighbor’s farms so they could give us some of their fruits.’

‘Max found this berry bush in the nearby forest, and just like most berries, they thrive in cooler climates, nearer water sources. This one he found was high up on a ravine that dropped into a river.’