The Talk (1)

Clara was still asleep on the couch when she started smelling meat barbecuing. Then remembered they were all having lunch together. She felt lethargic as she groped around for Sebastian. He was nowhere around her, so she lifted her head from the sofa and peeked at what they were doing.

It looked like Heather was taking charge of the kitchen, and Clara was glad because she had no energy to do anything right now. ‘Where is my knight in shining armor, anyway? Why is he ignoring me?’ Sebastian had his back to her as he sat on one of the kitchen stools.

Sebastian knew Clara must be awake, the smell of food was filling the house, and nobody could sleep through all these enticing aromas. He wanted to go wake her up and see why she was still on the couch, but he couldn’t look at her right now. He tried to watch the movie while she napped beside him, and having her that close was doing a number on his self-control.