R18 - NSFW


This chapter is R18. If you are not over 18, please skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 74.


Clara stirred awake when his hands caressed her body on top of her dress. She snuggled closer and sighed. Her body was humming to his touch. ‘I want you again,’ he whispered in her ear, his tongue licking her earlobe.

‘Mmmmm... Stop it,’ She said huskily, her eyes sleepy with desire, she kissed and sucked on his lips to appease him while he ran his hand up her thighs, but they got interrupted when the pilot announced they were touching down and they should buckle up.

Their relationship was getting too intense, too fast, and she didn’t know if she was prepared to handle all his sexual energy.

‘I need to freshen up,’ she said, trying to get away from him, but he just followed her. Pinning her against the back of the bathroom door, kissing her with the need of a dying man.