The Pitch

Clara could not believe it. The need to deny that she found her family ran deep in her bones. She never imagined this could happen because, for the past 10 years, their results had led them nowhere. And now that it has, it felt surreal. ‘This is not real. Is it?’

Baz handed her the paper so she could read it herself. 99.99% match. She looked at the men standing in front of her and wondered how they got Celine’s DNA so easily. There was something fishy going on here, but she could not put her finger on it.

She’d go into that later. What she wanted to do right now, is to process the information given to her, her knees gave way when she reached the sofa. ‘Clara!’ Baz was right on her elbow, sitting her on his lap. Her brothers stood at attention.

‘Honey, are you okay?’ he brushed the hair off her face. ‘Was the news too much to handle?”

‘Baz, I have a family… I found my family…,’ tears flowed down her face.

‘Yes, you do.’ He wiped away her tears.