
Rowan was not ready to give up. He had found the perfect woman for him, and he was going to do everything in his power to make Clara his.

‘Rowan, this is not a good idea. I really love Sebastian, and there is nothing you can do to sway me.’ She turns around and runs around her table to get away when she feels her ponytail getting pulled behind her. ‘Owww!’ she screams as Rowan pulls her against him.

‘You are mine! I found you first. That rat stole you from me,’ he said as he caged her arms, preventing her from escaping or using her elbows on him.

Clara struggles out of his hold. But because he was bigger and stronger, he subdues her for a few seconds. She then tries to stamp on his foot, but he expected what she wanted to do and used his foot to kick hers away. ‘Stop struggling. I will not hurt you,’ he shakes her roughly.