
Max wiped a hand across his eyes, wiping the anguish away. He did not want to argue with Clara, but he had to bring his point across. His future was on the line.

‘Do you know why I never have long-lasting relationships? Because the minute I tell them I’m an orphan, their attitudes change. Even though we have our own company and we are rich, they don’t care about that,’ he looks away, ‘I have no family, so I am not good enough for them. Ask Jere why he doesn’t have a relationship. It’s because people see us as rejects.’

Clara wanted to hug Max right now, her brother did not deserve this treatment from people. It made her mad.

Then he went after her to get his point across, ‘Why did you wait ‘til you met Sebastian Clara? Have you met his parents? Did you tell them you’re an orphan? Oh yeah, how convenient, you’re not an orphan anymore. You found your family, so now you can pursue your relationship.’