Chapter 36

Chapter 36

I woke up with smoke filling my surroundings. I get up slowly. My eyes were still spinning but I ignored all that.

The antidote ...

I need to get that.

I stood up and rolled my eyes. A bunch of scattered flask tubes, lab coats and a few chemicals are there. To prevent something dangerous happenings, I just avoided all that.

As I remember, the target dropped it into a tube. Where is that? I guess, in their hide-out.

If so ... It's just below.

Most of the hideouts are from below the land. According to what I remember Savannah taught us. An ex-friend of Tina. I stood up straight and headed out of the laboratory.

There many opponents were seen lifeless, lying on the floor and bloody. My forehead frowned. Who killed them?

Only Klein and H got near me here. It's just the two of them. But when I thought deeply, Klein couldn't handle it. That many opponents. He will be dead. Not that I underestimate him but I know his skills.