Chapter 46

Chapter 46

“Hey, enough. ” I was already in the middle of them. I looked at my cousin directly. I saw that she was very annoyed with what I did.

“Tss, I'm the only one she wants. What a busybody, Tina. I am the target, ” I said.

“I was saying that before but you rushed me! You are really crazy. No wonder, you two are really cousins. ” Savannah sighed.

“Then, talk to her. ” Celestina immediately turned her back on us and left the shooting range.

I pouted. Savannah came up to me and motioned for me to follow her. And, so I did. I followed her.

“Where are we going? " I asked.

“Where else? ” She returned. “Kidding. As what I said, I have something important to tell you. ”

“What is that? ”

“Since, I’m one of the heads too. We regret that you will not be able to join us, ” she began. I looked away.

I don’t know if I should be happy there. Knowing that I can sense that there is something wrong with everyone, everything. I feel like everyone againsts on me too.