The Legend

Emma's eyes scanned through the entire cafeteria as if she was looking for something, during her short time at Freesville high she has been able gather a couple of friends and due to Israel's absence she could really need them.

Her eyes suddenly stopped at the door of the cafeteria where the MILFs were making an appearance, the first was Levi whose arms were wrapped around Lisa's hold as smile was written all over her face, the next person behind him was Mico, his arms were around Breanna's waist as he kisses her cheeks, the last was Flynn, he had Ivy too close to him one might even think they were dating as he kisses her forehead something he was used to doing, they were all followed by other guys who wanted to be part of their clique.

"I knew it!' Velma shouted only for Emma, Luca, Victoria and Elvis to hear.

"You knew what exactly?" Luca asked, her sudden behavior must have shock them all.

"Flynn and Ivy are dating" Velma said, the others feign surprised but not Emma cause she had no idea.

"Dating?" She asked with a questioning look.

"You didn't know, they've been dating for quite a while now and everyone in this school knows.

"I didn't" Emma said.

"That's because you never pay attention to anything" Velma said. "We all thought they were just friends until the night of the wolf"

"The night of the wolf?" Emma's eyebrow furrowed, "what is that?"

"It's a Freesville high tradition, we had one last year that was when we saw it happen, anyways who can't wait for the next one.... I know I am" Victoria said as she raises up her hand to signify, Luca, Elvis and Velma raised their hands too.

"Emma what about you? I promise you will love it, the next one is in May" Victoria tried to persuade Emma.

"Maybe she doesn't want to go because she has no idea what's about" Elvis pitched in.

"Oh... You see the night of the wolf is when we all gather around the full moon at Freesville highest hill, it's a two day trip down there so we spend roughly a week" Victoria said with excitement in her voice. "I just can't wait"

"So what happened in the last night of the wolf between Flynn and Ivy" Emma was suddenly interested in this conversation.

Velma clears hear throat as she took the liberty to respond. "The two were caught kissing at the hill when we were at the bonfire Luca was the one who saw them, at first we doubted him since you know Luca uses glasses but now it is true"

"Oh..." Emma eyes went back to the MILFs table, immediately she caught Flynn staring at her which made her flinched.

"Now that you know I will advise you not to fall for him, he is bad news" Victoria advised.

"Flynn won't even look your side, you are not much to look at" Velma unwittingly said stuffing her mouth with a tortilla, these made the others react as they called out her name in unison, although it didn't much bother Emma she never really liked Flynn in that way..... Or any other way.

"Aren't you eating that?" Velma pointed at the untouched sandwich on Emma's place.

"You can......" Before Emma could respond Velma took the sandwich off Emma's plate. "I have something doing maybe we can catch up later".

"You are going to see your boyfriend aren't you" Emma blushed slightly by the statement Victoria as it was half true.

Of course she knew Israel won't be at the field but she went there anyway, she stood at their favorite spot for a while before she turned back to leave.

Her expression changed when her eyes met someone who followed her from the cafeteria down here, she pretended not to notice as she walked pass. His hands stopped her, he pulled her back.

"What do you want?" She roughly flings his hands from hers.

"You" he said.

Her nose scrunched in disgust. "I have a boyfriend for Christ sake"

He smirked. "Still I need you"

Now Emma was already furious by Flynn's irritating behavior. "I've got a boyfriend don't you understand that or are you deaf"

"You think I don't know that, it still doesn't stop the fact that I need you" he said cooly, knowing she misunderstood.

"For what exactly?" She said exhaustingly, "I don't have anything that you might need"

"You do... Your time" he said smiling, to him he said something cool to her he just irritated her more.

"My time is expensive" she replied.

"Really, then I will buy it, how much does it cost" he said pulling out his wallet.

"It's can't be bought with money"

"With what then?"

"With your disappearance, can you do that, if you do you will definitely have my time" The school bell rang.

"I think I already got enough of your time and it could do.... For now" he left her standing distraught, he played her and won.

Thinking she could get back at him, she ran towards him with the sole intention of smacking him at his back, on reaching him she was only able to touch his shirt as her feet bends side ways making her trip, Flynn turned which gave enough time for him to catch her but he didn't, Emma quickly used her hands as a pillow to guard her head from the stairs as she fell.

"Are you alright?" Flynn asked clearly worried as he offered her a hand, Emma shoved it away.

"You should have caught me" she shouted at him.

"You didn't want me touching you and now..."

"That is not an excuse... Ow" she suddenly noticed the pain on her bare legs which were now stained with her blood.

"You are hurt, let me take you...."

"Thank you, you have done enough harm for one day, I can handle myself"

"Stop being stubborn, you can even walk" he pointed out seeing her she was trying to move fer feet amidst the pain.

"Move please" she started crying, the pain must have gotten to her.

"Stop being a cranky old woman and get on my back" she refused as she still forced herself to walk, Flynn quickly carried her in his arms as she weighed like a feather. He ran through the hallway to the medical center, every eye was on them as they all wanted to know.