32. Bad Premonition-6

Eighteen years ago.

Two months before the tragedy happened. In the Imperial Garden, during the night.

The Imperial Garden brimmed with the vitality of nature, as lush of greenness spread as far as eyes could see. Colorful flowers and plants bloomed and flourished, creating a breathtaking scene under the serenity of the night.

On this night, all the living beings in the garden were very energetic with the additional help of Carina's light magic. The plants energized and exuded more fragrances, filling the air with crisp and mellow scents.

Carina was not alone. The small animals willingly participate, hurdled together in an inconspicuous corner, some well-hidden and some were not, accompanying her. Their appearances add layers of cheerfulness to every part of the desolate garden, especially the cicadas which exuberantly sing, strived to liven up the dull atmosphere.