42. Embark on a journey-Encounter a group of fierce bandits-3


The carriage abruptly stopped and almost toppled forward.

The passengers inside the carriage desperately hold onto their seats as if clutching for their lifeline to stay balanced.

Had it not been because of the agile hand movement of the coachman and his quick control, they might encounter an accident due to unforeseen causes.


The coachman cursed under his breath as he perceived the reason for their forced stop.

The sound of flurry footsteps coming into their way alongside unison chants of "Attack!" and "Don't let them escape!" sounded intermittently in the background.

The ground shook under the thunderous footsteps of thirty-something people.

Seconds later, the carriage was moving again.

The coachman urgently whipped the rope in his hands and urged the horses to move faster and faster.

The chariot wheels creaked and screamed with the horses' hooves thudding and clopping wildly.