"Glimm Wake up! We are doom!" Kayen is in panic while she is brushing her hair.
"Why? What time is it?"
"It's already 9 in the morning hello!?"
"What the hell!" I rush into the bathroom.
"Shit! I can't believe we skip our first subject on our first day!"
"I feel you, blame the beer"
“Where is Keall?"
"About 2 in the morning he went home"
"Aw, Okay"
"What are you wearing Glimm? A skirt? Can you just wear pants?"
"What are you, my nanny? my boyfriend?"
"I am not but Brick will definitely hate that short skirt!"
"Why do you care so much about his reactions, Can you see it Kayen, he changed so much already, he stops caring about what I look and do"
"Oh, so this is intentional?"
"No! Well partly yes but, I don't know. Can't I wear what I like?"
"Whatever, let's go"
So this is what it feels like to be in a University.
While we are walking, we can feel the eye of everyone on us.
"Are my skirt too short?" I ask Kayen.
"Nope! You are just smoking hot Glimm"
"And you are upsetting every girlfriend in the university with your look right now" Keall just pops out of nowhere.
"Except me, I am not insecure with her" Kayen sarcastically answered.
"Haha, you are very nasty!"
While we are laughing together suddenly Kayen stop and "Shit Glimm, I told you"
"What?" I can't understand what she is emphasizing to me.
"In front of that black car," she said.
Keall and I look and to my surprise, I almost got a heart attack.
"Keall, walk beside me" Kayen instructed Keall
There is Brick, with his sharp eyes and really upset look, I wanna run.
I want to see and hug him but right now, I want to walk away from him.
His friend with him seems to get what Brick is up to, someone taps his back and he started walking in our direction.
"Should we run?" I ask Kayen.
"Not this time"
"Okay, let us just be brave!"
"We are with you ha-ha" Keall joke around
"Thanks for trying to change the ambiance but not right now"
When Brick reaches us, I send a signal to Kayen to go first and she is not slow so she gets what I mean.
"Hi Brick, so see you in a bit Glimm, and just hurry cause we going to be late on our second subject today"
"Bye Glimm" and Keall wave his hand.
Oh, gosh, Brick stares at him.
He still doesn't have an idea about Keall.
"He's into Kayen, just to inform you," I told him.
He just stares at me with a displeasing look.
I should be annoyed.
"Seriously, what is your problem?" I ask him trying to look cool.
"What is my problem?"
With a rough tone, he is really upset.
"We have to talk Glimm!"
"Yes but not now! I have a class"
"I said now" his bossy attitude is showing off. I have to resist
"No, if you want to talk with me, you have to wait! I have to go"
He grabs my hand.
He took off his varsity jacket and with force he let me wear it.
"What are you doing?"
"What are you wearing!" he answers me with a sarcastic question.
"I can wear whatever I want"
"Since when?"
Brick is really possessive ever since.
Some hate it but I love the way he is to me.
"I told you not to wear that skirt! I am going to walk you into your room" and he carries my bag.
We walk together.
"I think I will be staying with Kayen"
He just stays silent.
"So you are not mad with me when I moved out?" I kindly ask to hope for a favorable answer.
"Okay" is not the answer that I want to hear. Damn
"Honestly your mom called me and ask me if I had already seen you, she is just so happy that finally we are together and she reminded me not to break her trust in me, so I feel really guilty when I asked you to live with me, so yeah maybe this way is far better"
It makes sense.
"Since when did you become so mature huh?" I smiled
While we are walking in silence, a voice interrupted us.
Come on, not this time girl!
"Hey, Ivana"
"Who is she? Your newbie?" she asks in a disrespectful manner.
"Stop it, Ivana"
I can see her disappointment.
"Hi, I'm Glimm and Brick's girlfriend" trying to sound a bit possessive.
"Ow, Okay Hi. Anyway, I just thought you’re just someone, nice to meet you and welcome to our University, hope ya enjoy your stay! Bye Brick, see you later" she bid goodbye with a wink.
"See you later?" I turn to Brick.
"She is our cheerleader of course I am going to see her during our practice but Come on Glimm, can you just trust me?"
"OK, but can you stay away from her!"
"It's a yes if you change your skirt"
"Yes I will and I have to go now"
He hugs me.
It feels like going back to my very warm comfort zone.
This familiar warm hug from him, I hug him back.
I'm still feeling blue but somehow my ache eases a little.
I'm still confused about our status, it just felt unfamiliar to me. I get it that everyone changes especially after living in a new environment and we are just too young back then, maybe he outgrew me or he just found his dream here! but why did he cheated on me? Is that part of the trend here? Does it give them good credit for being unfaithful? I hate it! I hate myself for being too soft! I can't stand the fact that he did it but I can't afford to lose him either.
A tap on my shoulder suddenly wakes me from daydreaming.
"So Ms. Andrew? Tell us about your dream?" My literature teacher startles me.
"Oh? I," I look at Kayen who is amused by my reaction.
"He was dreaming about me Sir Yamoto" a croaky voice of a man disrupts and steals the limelight from me.
It was Andrei.
"What happened to your voice Mr. Montecarlo?"
A flirty giggle behind my back started to sound so annoying, but I can't blame them. If I am single and not in love with Brick, I am sure, I will be one of these girls that will fall for his charm.
"I was asked by the principal to tell you that you have an urgent meeting"
"Oh yeah, I will be there after my class, thank you!"
before he turns away he gives me a wink!
Did they see it? What is wrong with him.