Chapter 46

Mohamed's point of view :

My field of vision is only oriented towards the large operating theater. I'm so stressed out about what's going on inside. I am not even aware of everything that is "going on" between these four walls, only God knows. I admit that I have waited so long for this moment but I can not help but be anxious.

I haven't stopped praying since this morning, I hope that everything goes well and that she can recover well, gain strength and get out of it as soon as possible. This is all that is most important to me. And nothing else.

I even almost got "toast" earlier by Fatima, I wanted to see her in secret so badly that I think she must have seen me. At the time, I have zero discretion. Fortunately, I quickly got out of his way. Indeed, I said to myself that we would do better not to see each other before the operation, because I would have worried her much more with my "body language" so much that I pity her.