Dreams Are Pathetic!

"So what brings you here?" Adonis enquired. "You would be aware that King Jalaar's army has been awakened. There will be war very soon. We require your strength with us, Mr. Adonis. You are skilled not only in battling but also in creating weapons. We need arms for the war and who else for this job than you. We really need your help!" Oliver explained.

Adonis smiled. He played with the screwdriver in his hand. "I am glad you came yourself. I had a dream last night." He told. I already knew where this was going. "Yes, even I have been having some of them. I assume yours was also not a pleasant one." I said. He nodded grimly.

"Last night I found myself in the grasslands. It was somewhere near Sterlin town, I suppose. It was a clouded night and I heard the sky thundering. Then right in front of me, I saw a lightning strike in the enormous field. When the impact was gone, I found a huge old palace present. Legends say it is the Abandoned Palace." Adonis explained. I looked at Oliver in shock. The Palace had showed up.

"The dark aura around that area was breathtaking. That was all I saw in the dream – the palace appearing. But that was enough to make me feel the intensity of the war coming up." He said. "Yeah, dreams are pathetic." I sighed. Oliver was observing our conversation. He was the odd one with no dreams or signs of the future. I wanted to exchange places with him. Dreams were supposed to be informative. Don't get me wrong, they were. But if the future is filled with darkness, it is better you don't see it.

"Okay. Let's bring the pieces together. King Jalaar hasn't awakened yet but a number of his soldiers have. They have left for the Abandoned Palace which has now appeared due to the whole the-palace-is-evil thing going on. There are ravens patrolling the whole world; the first step towards their dominance. Overall, Darknor is on its edge. Not good." Oliver concluded. Adonis sighed. Sadly, Oliver was right.

Moreover, we had other things to deal with other than just preparations of the battle. We still had the King's two brothers left to fight. We had an impatient and menacing god, the Red One whose orders we needed to follow in order to attain his help in the war.

"I am ready to come with you." Adonis announced. That seemed to distract me from the troubles. "Great! Let's head to the DELTA Headquarters right away!" Oliver exclaimed. "Um, guys." I said. "Does any of us have an idea of how to get out of here without dying by those vicious birds?"

All three of us looked at each other, hoping the other one would have a plan. Oliver got up and took out his phone. "Let's call Xavier for some help. The guy has built a freaking warship for what?" Oliver grinned and called Xavier.

"Warship?!" Adonis's ears popped open. "Yeah. The guy is kind of a smart one with machines. You both would be a great match." I told him. Oliver went to a corner, trying to avoid the ravens' noises as much as possible. I heard him speak a little bit. He came back beaming. "Rescue team is on the way. And by team I mean only Xavier."

We sat there in silence with the ravens screeching outside for about half an hour. Adonis had packed a small luggage for his trip. It included about 3-4 pairs of dresses and hundreds of tools. With the warship, it shouldn't have taken such a long time. But I'm not complaining. I heard the noise of the warship's machinery. With delight I got up. "Help's here!" I declared and went up to the door. Without thinking twice, I flung open the door just to see a furious ravens in front of me.

It was flying very close to the workshop and got alert when it saw me. The bird rushed towards me but luckily I ducked. It had such a big body that it didn't even fit inside the entrance. And the fact that we were facing a group of them was terrifying. The raven tried to attack me but as it was coming from behind, I couldn't get inside the room again. I ran out of the workshop, alerting the rest as well. Free meat, who wouldn't want it?

Adonis and Oliver came out and screamed at me. "Blaze! You okay?" Adonis enquired. "Not really. Fighting a bunch of deadly monster right now." I replied. Before the ravens could feast on me, I saw the warship in the air. It shot most of the ravens down. Inside, I could barely see Xavier but I smiled and waved. That was brave considering there were still some ravens left for me to die from.

The machines fired from the warship and in a short while, I found all of the creatures lying dead. Xavier had a good aim! He had killed all of the birds except for me. How he had done that, I had no idea. The ship soon landed and came out to meet us. Adonis looked fascinated by the warship. "Xavier?" He asked to which the DELTA replied, "Yup, that's me!"