A Windy Ride!

After a few minutes, I gazed outside. I noticed a strange phenomenon going on. There were leaves flying in the sky. I wondered how they flew this high up. Also, they were going in a circle around our ship. It was becoming stranger. I felt the velocity of the leaves increasing slowly. I gulped and called out, "Um, guys. Is this something to worry about or am I going crazy?"

The others looked out to see the strange formation going on. "What's up with these leaves? And the weather seems…. changed." Xavier noted. "Drastically changed." Oliver corrected. The leaves flew with even stronger force and I could now see the wind swirling around us. What was going on, I had no idea. One thing I was sure about: This would not end in a good fashion.

Even the sound of the wind could be heard from inside. Then suddenly, it became extreme. That's when it struck me. We were inside a cyclone. I watched the ravens going round uncontrollably, cawing with agitation. The ship's speed slowed down, almost still. "This is bad. This is a storm!" Adonis exclaimed. Before I could get ready for impact, it began. Our warship started going haywire. It went upside down and revolved the interior of the storm. We screamed at the top of our voice. Our ship rotated in every direction. If this would go on, I would throw up being upside down. And I did not want to vomit on myself.

Soon, my seat belt broke. I landed face first on the roof. The ship turned again and I fell back down. Even Adonis had the same issue after his seat belt broke. "Get us out of here!" I yelled. Xavier looked up at me as I was stuck to the roof like a spider. "Trying! Would be much easier if you'd help." He screamed. Grabbing anything I could, I pulled myself up to Xavier's seat. The boy had been driving upside down the whole time. Of course, it would be difficult for him. Another time the wind hit us hard and the ship tilted sideways, slapping me against Oliver. Adonis landed on top of me. "Get off… please!" I chocked. Adonis became aware and made way. I again started towards Xavier's seat.

"What to do?" I asked him. He ordered me a couple of things to do. I pulled the emergency controls and did as told. But the force of the wind was too much to handle. That's when I heard a voice. "You cannot escape. Nature forbids!!" The voice boomed. It echoed as we spiraled around the storm.

I looked out of the window which showed the view of the ground below due to the warship tilting. I found a peculiar creature at the source of the storm. It had a form but a transparent one. It was almost as if the wind had made its own form. I found it difficult to keep a track on the form as it was transparent but I saw the creature's hands creating the cyclone.

Oliver had noticed it too. He had come out of his seat, probably hit himself a few times because he was having a nose bleed. "Is that what you were talking about? Tempest?" Oliver enquired, not letting his eyes away from the form for a second. "The Wind Master." I agreed. Who else could make such a storm if not Tempest?

"Any news?" I yelled and Xavier's answer came from ahead. "Nope. This is bad. The storm is too strong." He replied. I couldn't think of a plan at the time as my head was hitting hard edges every second. I noticed that our ship was slowly making its way to the bottom. Tempest was pulling us.

"I guess there is no way but to fight him." Adonis announced. Oliver looked at him and screamed, "Inside a storm? You're crazy! This is his territory. You want us to fight him here?!" Adonis hit face first on the ground again when the ship tilted. He got up and replied, "You have a better idea? Unfortunately, I don't!" I hated to think that Adonis was right. At this rate, we would die by hitting our heads before we even reached the surface.

I struggle to stand up. Holding my hands tightly on anything I could find, I made my way to the door. Xavier looked at me in shock. "No! You cannot, Blaze!" He called out. I looked at him and replied, "Well, I did." Saying so, I used all my strength to open the door in the storm. That was one of the riskiest decisions I would have taken. Any of us could fall out to our deaths but hey, as if I cared!

I grabbed Magnum and launched it at the transparent monster below. "Go away! Not now." I yelled. But that was a stupid move. This was Tempest's domain. He gestured with two of his fingers going to the left and my battle-axe went flying. The ship tilted and I almost plummeted to my death.

"You cannot fight me. I am the wind itself!" Tempest roared. Or maybe breezed. (That was me trying to be funny) I fell back into the warship. "No use I assume." Oliver said. At such a rate, we would be down in a few seconds. We needed to act fast but how.

Adonis hit his head again and screamed in pain. Xavier yelled. "Calm down! Keep quiet. I am trying to drive!" Suddenly it struck me. Calm down, keep quiet. I remembered the Zantai power.

Immediately I went to the edge once again. I closed my eyes and focused. With the Zantai vision, I recognized a Xorain power below. That was obviously Tempest as he was a Xorain. But also, I knew how to stop him. I had done this before with the Zantai power. If concentrating hard, I could actually play with the opponent's mind. That was how I had confused the giants at Mount Hysuptris.

"Time to confuse him." I told myself and concentrated properly. It is hard to explain. I almost went inside Tempest's brain and started confusing him. That was effective because the next moment, the wind blow reduced. The warship became a little steady. But the storm hadn't completed vanished. "No! Who is that Xorain up there?" Tempest roared in rage. I yelled back, "Blaze Hunt. Or Zakostroph whatever. I'm your nephew. Nice to meet you."

Here came the tricky part. I decided that playing with a Xorain's mind would be way more difficult as the opponent would also have the Zantai power. So most of my power was going waste as Tempest's Zantai power was blocking it. I needed to do something more than just confusing him.

Trying my hardest not to lose control over Tempest's brain as I planned for the next move, I raised my right hand. Through my X-ray mind, I could see my battle-axe lying far away on the ground. Raising my hand resulted in Magnum slowly levitating upwards. I concentrated on my battle axe to hit Tempest but also to confuse the monster so that he wouldn't be aware of what was to come.

Yeah, all that sounds confusing. It was way harder to do it. I had to focus on two things which weren't going well. Tempest was trying his best to pull our ship towards him by using his hands to speed the wind. I slowed down the speed a little bit but it wasn't enough. But Magnum had arrived and I just needed to give one final order.

"Hey. You are weak buddy!" I called. Tempest looked infuriated and used all his strength to pull us down. For a moment I almost felt like we would have a crash landing at the ground. But I managed to prevent it and slashed my hand from where Magnum was to Tempest. That seemed to do it. The next moment Magnum struck Tempest's transparent form and everything seemed to dissipate.

The winds totally stopped; the cyclone nowhere to be seen. Also, Tempest was forced into becoming normal wind and fly away. I could see his squashed form fly away into the distance. That said one thing: He wasn't done. He had just flown away due to the impact.

But everything didn't seem okay with the warship's controls. "We have to land. No other option. Blaze, help me out." Xavier said. I closed the door and ran to take my seat which was half destroyed. There were seatbelts and random parts lying on the ship but I did not have time to gaze upon them. Together, we both flew the ship in circles. The ground was covered with the leaves that were uprooted during the storm. There were trees around the area which were now leafless. Slowly, we scanned the area and found the safest place. Circling downwards, we landed down.