
"The Realms are in danger." The lady said. Since about two months, the whole world is in danger. But what she was talking about is something more than Darknor. We were inside Darknor but still not a part of it. This was a different place in itself.

"Realms – you mean plural?" I enquired. She nodded. "Every Realm existing in all the universes is facing a threat. Something strange is happening." Her words still managed to hide information. I was curious to know the whole story from the women. "What's going on?" I asked. She looked at me with a serious expression and replied, "I am afraid I have not yet learnt everything. There are some strange things happening in our Realm. The trees that you see in front of you; they are the last ones of their kind. In fact, they have even decreased in height. Also, mountains are slowly progressing towards extinction." I looked at her with a frown. "How can mountains go extinct?" I asked.

She sighed and replied, "What I mean is that they are naturally depleting. The mass of hills is vanishing in large numbers. Soon none will be left. There are constant earthquakes happening. Many natural phenomena like these are taking place. This is spreading at a fast rate to all the parts of our Realm. It is strange to experience it without knowing its cause. Something important is going wrong. But one thing is certain; it's going to get worse if we don't act now. Something very bad is coming our way and it is close." Her tone scared me. I knew that they were just a bunch of natural disasters. But a mountain disappearing was news to me. Trees vanishing were also making me curious. It was as if the heart of the Realm was damaged resulting in havoc of natural resources.

"Okay. So what do you need me for?" I asked. She started walking into the forest and I followed. "I needed someone experienced from Darknor to assist us. Our people need to cooperate with the other Realms." She said with an expression which was obvious. Of course she wanted me to save their Realm. I was barely managing to keep my world from King Jalaar's wrath and now I also need to save theirs. And she was highly mistaken to call me experienced. Failing in battles has almost become my hobby. I don't even want to count how many times I have fought and failed against Raptor.

Just then, through the woods emerged a figure. The creature pounced right on me which made me jump. The animal had a thick yellow hide which made me want to curl around it. I also noticed that its eyes changed color according to the situation. Idiots like me who made it angry got to see red eyes. Its eyeballs slowly turned back to dark black. It was a four legged animal and looked like a shortened version of a wild terrifying bear. Its head reached up to my chest if it stood on two of its legs. Yes, the creature could also stand like any of us.

I was rather taken aback by this sudden appearance of the creature. But the women didn't seem to bother its presence. "Meet him. His name is Druk." She introduced. My eyes went even wider. "His? He's a male?" I asked, regretting it almost immediately. It was a big mistake. Next moment, I had the creature's hands on the collar of my shirt. Druk spoke with a manly voice, "So what if I am a male? I am more man than you are, kid! Look, I have a beard as well!" His eyes turned red. I think he was under a big misunderstanding that the thick hide around his chin was actually a beard. But I dare not say that to him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I can totally see that beard of yours." I said. He was still not convinced. "Did you think I was a female? How dare you! I hate ladies." He roared. Then becoming conscious, he stated, "Except for this one." The women smiled. "That's sweet of you to say, Druk!" She thanked. Then the creature turned to me. "Who is this stupid warrior?" He asked the lady.

"This, Druk, is one of the strongest warriors of Darknor – Blaze Hunt. And you both are going to be partners for the mission I assign to you." She said. Druk released his grip from my collar and looked at her dumbfounded. "I am going to travel from Realm to Realm with this guy?" He asked with a harsh voice. The women nodded casually. Druk's face was unreadable. Either he wanted to cry, or he was still in shock. But most probably he wanted to punch my face.

"Wait. What are you guys talking about? We are travelling to which Realm?" I enquired. This information had suddenly appeared in front of me and I needed some time to adjust with it. The women explained, "You both need to team up and journey to each and every Realm that exists. You need to go there and attain the power each Realm possesses to fight the disaster we will be facing in the future. I know only you are capable of this, Blaze. That is why I want you to help us."

I was still in shock from all that I heard. It took me about a minute to break the silence. "Look I understand that you need to save your Realm –" She interrupted in between and corrected, "Realms. Every Realm is in danger." I continued, "Right, Realms! But I have a war upcoming in Darknor and I cannot leave my friends. I need to fight and defeat the Xorains." Druk was silent all this time which didn't suit his character. He finally spoke, "That is why we are going to begin this journey after you get your Xorain blood." I didn't understand what he meant by Xorain blood but I assumed he was talking about bloodshed. After all, you only need five minutes to understand that Druk is all about war and bloodshed. (And also about hatred towards women)

"That is correct. In fact, Druk will accompany you and fight by your side in the war. Once we win, you both can get onto your next mission: saving the Realms." The lady announced. Both Druk and the women seemed so sure of victory. Maybe because they did not know who they were facing. Maybe because they hadn't seen King Jalaar's track record of claiming number of planets.

I still was not totally convinced about helping them. For me, they were just from a world (Realm) that I didn't really care about. But then I remembered that even my planet Xorai should have been good to me. Instead, my father tried to kill me. On the other hand, the people of Darknor have also helped me in any possible way. In the end, it's not about where you come from; it's about whether you are safe.

That made my decision firmer. "I shall help!" I declared. The lady smiled. "Great! Then let's get to work. We don't have any time to waste, heroes!" She exclaimed and turned around and walked into the hut. Druk and I followed and to my utter amazement, there was a portal awaiting us inside. The triangular portal showed the real world, the place where I had passed out.

I was out of words. With difficulty, I managed, "How?" The women looked at the portal and replied, "I'm afraid I cannot share those details with you. But do not worry. You will understand the way to enter a Realm as your journey progresses."

"Alright, make it quick, boy!" Druk scolded and jumped into the other side. I took one final glance around me and walked into Darknor. The women didn't join us and she concluded by saying, "I have explained Druk everything. He knows what to do throughout this mission. Do not fear and may you gain victory in the war." Saying so, she backed off a little. The portal vanished immediately. Druk looked at me and sighed, "I guess I'll be stuck with you for a long time now."