Prison Break!

Hearing the cries of the monsters, wailing in glee, we were shivering. All the giants and monsters including Raptor along with King Jalaar had arrived at the Abandoned Palace. Our escape route just got scarier and dangerous.

"Doesn't matter! Let's go get the prisoners out. Then we can think how to save our lives!" Druk exclaimed and I stepped in the passage way. The dark and narrow path, with spider webs at various intervals slowly led us down in a spiral. No beginner's kit – no starting torch was provided. We progressed through black path, spiraling downward. Lucky for Sounge, he was still a hermit kid. He still had a few years to go before becoming an adult hermit which saved him from getting stuck. He too followed us without any issues.

At times, Druk would cry out when caught in a spider web and I would have to slap him and close his mouth. It was a funny thing to do now but if I had done the same act when I had first met Druk, I would not be living anymore. He would have murdered me brutally but our journeys and the battles we fought alongside had made us good friends. The fur on his back would stand out whenever he was caught by surprise from any webs.

Sounge was silent all the time, not minding the dark. It seems the hermit was braver than the warriors. I was leading the group; so fear never left me. Whatever bad happened, I would be affected first. My one hand was constantly near the battle-axe. The path seemed unending. As we continued, I saw a faint light coming towards us and stopped, cautioning the other two. Druk was ready with his sharp claws, Sounge with his mighty hooves and my hands on Magnum. The guard coming towards us was bewildered at the sight of us. Before he could use the spear, Druk pounced on him and I flung the battle-axe. Not much noise was emitted which was good. As we progressed, many such guards patrolling certain areas of the path were met.

We mostly just cut of their neck before they could make a move. It gave me a feeling of a spy movie on Earth. (Yes, I have watched a couple of your movies. But you need to work harder.) Once we reached the bottom, a group of guards shielded the entrance to the prison. Amanda was so close that her aura had enlarged and brightened. Together, Druk and I took on the monsters. I slashed one and then thrust the battle-axe into the one behind me. As for Druk, he didn't have a certain way of fighting. His recklessness itself created fear in the guards.

After each one was done and dusted, we decided to progress. No Zantai power was needed hence. I found my friends inside the prison. The prison was made of dark rods in a rectangle – touching them, Amanda said, would give me a zap. I would then be lying unconscious for quite some time. The key we had needed to be inserted into a flying lock which was totally separate from the cellar; which made me wonder how it would open the door. But again, we were in the Abandoned Palace.

The DELTAs didn't look the best of their health. Oliver was sitting in a corner, yet refraining from touching the wall in order to keep himself safe from any zaps. Xavier and Mark were lying down, asleep. Amanda, as she was guiding us, was awake and standing, waiting for our arrival. "Blaze is here!!!" Amada shouted and Xavier awoke in frenzy. Oliver's face lit up and he stood in excitement. Mark opened his eyes slowly and looked at us. He took some time to believe that we had actually arrived.

They found Sounge who had made his way till this point with us. He would be the most famous hermit after this war. Then the DELTAs looked at Druk in confusion. I quickly introduced them to my new friend from Glacidon. "No time to lose! King Jalaar has arrived." I declared. Amanda nodded. "Yes, I sensed it too. We need to hurry. Escaping would be a pain." She said.

"How's the army coming about? And did you manage to defeat the last brother?" Mark enquired. Sounge went up to Amanda and she soothed the hermit for all the hard work. "The army is on its way. The war is very near. Inferno has been reduced to dust." Druk answered. Oliver looked at me and asked, "Did you get any message from the Red One? You completed your part of the deal." I shook my head. I didn't know what Phantom had in mind. Last time I had got in contact with him was in my dream after I passed out near the barrier.

I inserted the key and the lock sprang open on its own. The dark magical rods sunk into the ground one by one and soon there was no prison left. "Guys, about Drakolleus…." Xavier said. His pause told me something bad had happened. I asked, "What about Drakolleus?" We began walking out of the basement, progressing upward to the tower. Xavier replied, "It seems that Drakolleus was training all this time in the Hydra caves. Rumors say that he has become invincible, stronger than previously seen. Raptor called for him a day ago and he is journeying towards us as we speak."

I smiled and announced, "We have talked to Wade and Mr. Adonis. They are coming with soldiers armed with weapons created by Mr. Adonis himself. The Variaries clan is all set for war. Also, Colloseus will be here any hour. We called the dragon for war. He doesn't break vows. Not to be worried. Warm up for the big day. By tomorrow, war is certain."

"I need no warm up for bloodshed! I am ready even now." Oliver announced. Xavier looked at him and said, "You sure? There are at least ten lakh monsters outside and more are coming. You also don't have a weapon."

"Maybe I do need warm up." Oliver gave a nervous laugh. Amanda and I were using our Zantai power to see what was going on outside. A gigantic figure's aura surrounded by monsters seemed to go towards the central tower. I was sure it was King Jalaar. That means that a majority of the monsters will follow him and our escape would become easier. "Now is our best chance. We need to go right now." Amanda declared.

You would think that being a brave (I am not brave) hero, I would lead the gang out. But no! Sounge, the hermit was our defense against the deadly monsters that were in lakhs outside. He agreed whole-heartedly, galloping through the narrow path, uninterested in webs that stuck to him. All he had to do was shrug his back and he was clean again. After a point, he was so far, we couldn't even sight him. It was only after I shouted him to slow down that he could hear me and halted for us, lazy Darknorians.

Once we reached the end, into the tower floor, I used my Zantai power to sense the nearest guard. I couldn't spot any creature close by and Amanda's senses confirmed it. Crouching, we walked forward. Luckily no monster had noticed the massacre that had taken place inside the tower. We exited, leaving the dead bodies as they were. For a while, I noticed no obstacle in our track. We progressed to such an extent that we had now crossed the bridge. "Now! Run!!" Xavier yelled and without looking back, we rushed to the grasslands outside the Palace.

Did we flee successfully? Of course not! A monster up on one of the many hundreds of tiny towers had decided not to greet and bow down to King Jalaar. Why did he have to stay up and scout the area even after his Master had arrived? He spotted us – probably the size of ants – running from the region, entering the grasslands. He first yelled which was very faint but then he blew a horn he had tucked to his waist which created an unbearable noise.

Monsters from the central tower, came rushing out, confused as to who was the intruder. "Keep running! We have to!!" I commanded. Many monsters climbed on horsebacks and galloped towards us. The horses were called Vehemont. They weren't particularly horses. These were a different brood from Xorai. Vehemonts heighted to match the giants and were stronger than hermits. During war, their ruthlessness and pace could itself win you the battle. Being Xorains, this information seemed to be automatically installed into Amanda and me.

"They are Vehemonts! We'll surely be outpaced." Amanda cried as we ran. Mark slowed down and eventually stopped. Obviously, we weren't going to leave him behind so we halted as well. "Stop running away. Fight the calamity!" Mark put courage into his words and turned towards the monsters. Oliver sighed, "I guess that is the only option."

Mark held out his grappling hook, Quester. Xavier gripped Trance. He had turned the weapon into a neat sword. Amanda brought out Blizzard, her blade. I had no other choice but to fight along. Grabbing the battle-axe, I yelled, "Charge!" The little battle began.