A Father-Son Talk!

As I walked past the massive groups of soldiers standing in attention, I suddenly realized that all this was really happening.

We were actually going to attack the Xorains and a war was actually going to begin. It felt tenser than I had imagined but I controlled myself from blasting out of nervousness. With a base voice, I began, "Thank you for showing your bravery by standing up for Darknor. But your real bravery will be seen in the battle-field where hundreds of thousands of monsters will try to devour you. With all might, I expect you all to fight for Darknor till the last breath!" My speech was interrupted by a large cheer from the crowds. It could have been like a dramatic movie scene but no one can stand Blaze Hunt giving a speech like a true hero! I ended by saying, "Give it all you've got!!"

Wade came from behind, kept his hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Blaze, the Xorains are ready." I looked at him, a little taken aback. "They have prepared for war." He said. I walked forward, the sight of the Palace in the horizon. Everyone followed me and from a far distance, we would have looked like a group of ants. So did the Xorains. I found the Jalaar army near the entrance of the Palace. Millions of monsters – whose face I luckily couldn't see from this far – were standing all over the region. The crowd was overflowing and I even found some creatures standing on tops of the wall and on the lowest towers nearby. Out of the four guard towers, I could see two of them. Both had guards up there with canons charged up. The sight looked menacing and just by looking at it, I feared our defeat. "We can take them on!" Oliver cheered. "Prepare for war, legion! Let's get the Xorain Blood!!"

Everybody started rushing here and there, towards their tents. The Chief Generals too rushed from tent-to-tent, checking out if any problem arose. Wade asked me to follow him to his tent. I entered and found an armor which he had kept safe all this while. "The other DELTAs will be given their armors by Adonis. Wear this quick!" Saying so, he handed me the armor.

It didn't look bullet-proof – just to provide limited protection from incoming attacks. Hard hits could easily crack it so I needed to be careful. More than the armor, I was interested in my attacks. I wanted to be aggressive and not care about my own safety. (Although I would appreciate if I survived this war!) I quickly got geared up.

I sat down inside alone for a moment. I grabbed the battle-axe and stared at it. "Magnum, it's time! Get ready." I hoped I would hear his voice in my head, agreeing with me. But instead, the blade just shined bright white for a moment, hinting that it was thirsty for blood. That kind of agreement work too. I smiled, sheathed Magnum back and walked out of the tent.

Best part was I didn't look like some heavy ugly soldier with the armor; more like a smart handsome and skillful warrior. Same went for the DELTAs. They too looked perfect for their figure. "Let's go kill some faces, Blaze Hunt!" Oliver said. Everybody grouped together and marched forward. Soldiers joined in as we walked and I found the Chief Generals taking their spots in the respective wards. I, being the Northern captain, walked right in front.

As we moved forward, the Jalaar army came closer in sight. I could see millions of ugly creatures and one of them might have been Raptor. King Jalaar was nowhere to be seen though. Some soldiers were riding the Vehemonts whereas some were on foot. I saw a weird flying whale creature of some sort named Krost and there were at least a hundred of them. Also, I saw the large ravens gathered together. I found the remaining giants that we were unable to kill in Mount Hysuptris also present for the battle. A large group of skeleton guards were also there. Many more some creatures were there but focusing on their ugly faces for much longer would have burnt my eyes. Scarier out of all of them was one monster – Trikallous! (Again, this information had been automatically and unknowingly registered in Amanda's and my mind as we were Xorains. It's quite weird how it works) Trikallous was a flying monster that was so huge; it could cover a quarter of the battleground in shadow. The fangs themselves were as large as a giant. He didn't have any special weapon or attack. He didn't need any; he just had to eat the enemies or fall on them.

Also, I saw Drakolleus at the very end of the field. It seemed as if he wasn't participating just yet. Seeing him, Colloseus too halted and waited till his brother would attack. After all, he was only going to try to match Drakolleus's strength during war. Xavier was nowhere to be seen. He was back near the river bank, still adjusting the ship. Tensed, I sent someone to convey him the message to come back.

A lot was going through my mind at that time. Adonis called out to me, "Blaze, look there!" I watched the battle-field and saw some enemy walking towards our base, all alone. At first, I couldn't understand who it was. But then, as the figure came in closer, I saw the heavy armor, large body and the height as tall as giants. Though I had never seen him before, there was no mistaking his majesty. King Jalaar had arrived.

Why was he coming alone, even without his dearest minister Raptor? He walked casually as if nothing big was taking place. "Your word, Blaze!" Amanda shouted from behind. I figured no one would be foolish enough to have an army of millions and yet come and fight all alone. "Wait! I will go." I commanded and everyone relaxed from their war positions. I started walking forward, towards the King. This moment seemed so far till now; I never even felt it would exist. The father and son finally met.

"King Jalaar…" I said. The monster smiled, showing his teeth. I can't help but say that out of all the Xorain monsters, he was the only one whose ugliness I could stand. "Well, well! Zakostroph, son, you still live!" The King muttered. His manly base voice was ground-shaking; that was how powerful he was. I barked, "I am not Zakostroph! My name is Blaze Hunt. And I am not your son!!"

Again, the King laughed and said, "Whatever you want to call yourself, Blaze Hunt. Anyway, I have blessed you with my presence here for your good." His attitude, though infuriating, suited his character. "I had told you in your dream not to go on with your plans. You are putting yours and your puny friends' lives in danger." I remembered the dream. It was very clear and almost as if the King was actually conversing with me. "Do you really think I will yield in front of you?" I shouted.

"What was supposed to happen two thousand years ago will happen now. Time was the only enemy but nothing can stop the Xorains now. You, being my son and a Xorain, should join us and change sides. You must be loyal to your kind. There is still time, kid. Come to the rightful side. I might even declare you as my successor." These words from King Jalaar meant nothing to me.

I laughed. The monster looked a bit confused. I said, "Being loyal to my kind. You have a good sense of humor, King!" His face showed disappointment and I continued, "This is my kind. Darknor is my home planet. After you tried to kill your own son and I barely managed to survive, people from Darknor had taken care of me. After my awakening, these people looked after me, not you and your ugly companions. I have found family here and not in Xorai. I am being loyal, but to Darknor, my planet!" These words seemed to shut him up for a few seconds. All my hatred came out verbally at once and even King Jalaar took some time to respond.

"There is still time, kid! Think again." The King repeated. I pretended to think and replied, "Nope. I would like some bloodshed rather!" The limit had been reached. Both of us knew that. He then said, "Alright! If getting slaughtered by us is what you want, then so be it. Do your worst!" Saying so, he turned around and walked back to his legion. I returned to the Darknorian army.

After a few minutes of walking back, when I reached the army, everyone was eager to know what had happened. I answered, "Nothing much. War has arrived!" In just a few minutes, I heard a honk. The deafening trumpet came from the Xorain army. Warriors looked at me curiously as to what the sound would have meant. Most of us half knew the meaning.

"It has begun." Grabbing tight my battle-axe, I cried, "Victory to Darknor!!!!" And so, the War began.