The Referee Says Half-Time!

Other DELTAs had progressed further than me. They weren't interrupted by their uncles though.

I rushed forward, wielding the battle-axe wildly. Any monster who tried to come near me, was thrown off far. I found Druk next to me and we just nodded at each other. That was our way of greeting during bloodshed. He pounced on most of my enemies and I had a free path. He was glad to be of help and I did the same when he was in trouble. I noticed Amanda and Oliver who were quite ahead of us.

In the rush, with all warriors around me, I wasn't able to spot many allies. But I did find Sounge in the crowd. "Sounge, over here!" I screamed and the hermit came running. I was glad to find out that he was doing alright. After all, he was Lily's pet. The girl must have taught him a whole lot of tactics. I patted him and climbed on his back. As I rode Sounge, moving faster than before, my height had also increased a bit. I could now somewhat see the horizon.

Near the end of my sight, I saw Raptor in his Magic form, creating havoc. I decided to go for the monster and take my revenge. But before any of that happened, I heard a loud noise. Amanda and Oliver were terribly hurt. They were smashed on the ground and I could see Amanda trying to heal her and Oliver's wounds. I rushed towards that direction to protect them. Just then Druk yelled, "Look!" He pointed up in the sky and I saw the deadly monster, Trikallous. I had already known that he was going to be a great threat.

He was the one who injured the two of them. Looking at him, I knew he wanted to tear my friends apart right then. But luckily, I heard King Jalaar's voice from behind. "Halt! Everyone, cease!" His voice was so manly and loud that all warriors – allies and enemies – halted immediately. "It's nighttime. The Saphrop has set completely. Xorains do not break rules and one of the major rules of war is that you do not battle after evening." The King declared. I heard Wade's voice from behind, "He's right, Blaze! Warriors only fight during the day! We should cease for now." All warriors agreed.

This was a fact that I was familiar with but in the heat of the battle, I had forgotten about it. I nodded and all the allies, even the wounded, started returning back to the base. "You were saved today, Blaze Hunt! Tomorrow I shall rip your chest apart, remember!" Raptor barked though I couldn't see him clearly from this far. I didn't reply as I did not have such a loud voice. I helped Oliver get up. His right hand with which he wields Hyperior was terribly injured. His right foot had also been twisted a bit. I helped him walk back to base.

If King Jalaar wouldn't have said anything at that time, Trikallous could really have done serious damage to Amanda and Oliver. When we returned to our camps, I made Oliver lie down and laid a carpet for him. "Amanda, can he be healed?" I enquired. Although, I knew she had tried healing him before in the field, I wanted to know what she thought about his bruises. "The hand cannot be easily healed. I have tried already but I think I can be of no more help. Oliver, you need to take rest. Your hand will heal depending on the way you let it. Don't go around jumping like a mad monkey tomorrow while fighting." Amanda explained.

Oliver frowned. "But that is the way I fight. How can I change that?" He complained. Mark suggested, "Just watch out during the war. Don't get into any major fights." Everybody agreed but Oliver was still not convinced. Speed was his thing just like negativity was mine. "What about the leg twist?" Xavier asked.

Amanda's face became pale. She didn't want to talk about that. I could see hesitation in her eyes. So, I went in for rescue. "It's just a twist! Oliver, don't move from here till dawn. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine." I assured. It was difficult for me to be a positive guy. But when Oliver smiled, I felt I had done a good job at it.

Everyone exited his tent and went into their respected ones for rest. It had been a long day filled with war cries. I felt more than the muscles, the ear and throat needed rest. I gave a doubtful look at Amanda and she confessed, "Yes, something's wrong. Come with me, guys." She said. We followed her into her tent. The Mathrop had risen and it was almost midnight by now. Warriors went to sleep the moment they hit the bed. But Amanda, Xavier, Mark, Druk and I, sneaked into Amanda's tent to discuss.

"I knew something was wrong! Tell me, what about Oliver's foot?" I enquired. Xavier and Mark seemed eager. Druk also showed a little concern though he was not the emotional type. "While healing, I could sense that his right leg was going through immense pain. It's much more than a leg twist. I feel his leg bone might have cracked." Amanda admitted gloomily. The moment some injury is related to the bone, I get really tensed up. I have never got serious damage but I have always been scared of bone injuries.

"He might deny that he is having pain. In fact, it is possible that he wouldn't be feeling much pain. But the injury is serious and he is unaware of this fact. I did not want to scare him. But if anything happens to him tomorrow and his leg is damaged, it might lead to serious issues. He shouldn't fight tomorrow but he won't listen." Amanda said. There was silence in the air for quite some time. None of us knew what to speak after this heart-wrenching information. "No worries! Tomorrow I will be with Oliver all the time." Mark announced. "I won't take my eyes off him for a moment."

We agreed and after a little chat, all of us went into our own tents. I hit the bed and dozed off immediately. Today I had used my powers a lot and it was probably the most tiring day of my life yet. Maybe tomorrow will beat the record though.