Grand Mans Grandfathers Story

Grand man started telling real story "I was 10 and my grand father was about 59 at that time they one day come home with so much blood on their body. we all fell afraid. we think that our grand father was too much injured so my all family members asked them but they didn't tell anything to anyone. My grand mother could also do not convince them as she was living with them from marriage.But one day they were sitting quietly in their room I gone to there room and sitting on their thigh I said that "grandfather oh my dear grandfather would you tell me that days all story please" they firstly told no but then after my plead they said yes I will tell you but they taken a promise from me to not tell anyone this. I said yes and then said to tell the story of that day they started the story telling program-"That day when I was going in jungle for just a nature look I first hear the tapping of some people's so I hide for sometime in bushes then they arrived. I saw them they were thieves I was sure because they were having a bag then they entered the house where you are living now and they locked the door it was quiet a afternoon and might be 6.45 PM and then I too tried too enter that house from one side from a window. I was behind them but they were totally unknown from me so I gone back to them and I saw them opening an underground passage which might could be big as they were almost 10 thieves. so I too slowly gone upto the underground passage and then after seeing there is no one i too entered the passage but very carefully. The door shut with no sound and roo opens with no sound that was the biggest amazement of that door but still the story doesn't let you go off.