The beginning of adventures journey

As the morning clocks. Smith wokes up.He brushes with a smile face and take a nice shower. He was in mood of adventure from now he was lost in thought that how would be the adventure with rose? will it be a perfect adventure for knowing each other correctly or not? will rose survive with me or there will be something else that we have never ever expected?.His bath ends at the last thought and he dress up cool which is perfect for a trip or an adventure. He weared a bermuda, a cool tshirt and a cap on his head.

He comes in bedroom and wokes up rose . She was still in sleepy mood so he leaves her alone and goes to make a coffee. He takes the coffee to the bedroom.He again try to woke up rose but still she was in sleepy mood of woking up.Then smith brings some water from the kitchen and throw on her face.

Rose suddenly wokes up with a irritant face then she starts doing mischievous things like throwing pillow and blanket.

To stop rose from doing this smith suddenly says"hey rose please stop or it will be late for our adventure have you forgotten or not?".

Rose says"ooh sorry smith I forgotten but why did you throw water on me just tell me?".

Smith says"after trying for 2 times you didn't woke up so I taken this stunt for awakening you so did you get me now?".

Rose says"yes".

Smith says"Now take coffee and go for the bath first ok.".

Rose says"ok sure".

Smith handover her coffee cup. They start drinking hot coffee.while taking coffee many thoughts were coming in boths mind.

Rose says"Hey smith tell me when we have to leave ths house?".

Smith says"After you are ready we will leave the house and yes not forget to take your dress."

Rose says"yes ok I will surely."

Smith says"ok then go fast we have to begin our journey".

Rose says"I think you're very much aroused about this exploit isn't it?".

Smith says"yes im".

Rose then finishes her coffee and finally goes for bath shower.

She too starts thoughting of how the exploit be.The drizzle drops of water give her a fresh new idea to come closer to smith in this time wasn't it perfect ?she asks to herself.She too ends her bath as fast she can and dress up like a cool lady a bit like and adventures girl

Then coming again to bedroom she sees smith doing something on his macbook.So he enters that what was he doing?.Then after taking a look she realizes that he was doing just his work.

Then she says to smith"what are you doing we have to go now?!".

smith says "ok then. My work is also completed so we can leave now".

Rose says" But before leaving what is the itinerary of exploit? tell me."

Smith says"we have to go from the jungles and trees and reach the mountain where the cave is. we will go from the forest but with the flow of river".

Rose says"ok then let's go".

They pack up the bags lock the door of house and start their journey towards the jungle but with the flow river.

The starting was quiet cool. The riverscape was too quiet and cool.The river was flowing with every single fish they both were lost in natures beauty. But very firstly rose sees the fox and slightly screams "oh my god! there's a fox".show by hands.

Smith says" where is it??? ".

Rose again shows the fox by hand her hands were flying towards the bushes which were so dark and very close to each other.

Then Smith says" ooh you don't worry still I'm quiet brave even to take a risk to fight with a lion".

Rose says"ooh really you are?!. Then no worry".

The quiescent scenery of forest and river had already changed the thoughts of our couples. They move forward. They walk for an hour. Rose says to Smith" can we please sit here beside the river for sometime.We have right now walked too much. isn't it? I'm feeling tired after this much of walking as I'm walking it for the first time it's really too much".

Smith says"ok.then we will find a better place to sit".

They move for sometime and then rose says"Hey look there it's a big rock huge and wide we can sit there".

They move their legs towards the rock.

The rock arrives it was big and also some drawing was done on it. From drawing it was looking like an old age stone.

They sits on that stone and see the river scenery. They feel very comfortable and enthusiastic for next adventure.

Rose says"I'm very excited for next adventure it's really nice to do adventure with you.You are really nice and interesting Smith! ".

But our hero has still a big doubt and he asks her" but on which basis you are saying this??? ".

Rose says" You want explanation from me then ok i will tell you surely. You are a good listener and caretaker and I know that I'll be fine until the end of this adventure".

Smith says"Thanks Rose for showing this kind of trust I'm very thankful that someone has ever understood me.Well what is most interesting about you did you know? ".

Rose moves her neck with a sign of no.

Then Smith says "well that's your smile"!!!.and he laughs. Rose adds her laughing and which make the whole jungle to laugh. ooh it's really spicy!.

Then for sitting sometime on that rock. They started planning to start their next journey. Rose says"what is the next plan? smith just tell me I'm really tired of walking!."

Smith says"Hey are you really tired in this much of adventure are you really saying this.Telling to you there is no such plan or any nebulous idea of where to go just move your legs with the flowing river okay?".

Rose says"ok.But please sit here for sometime I'm really tired."

Smith says"ok you sit here and I will just move towards that riverside.But none more than Ten minutes".

The river was no long just fifty meter away and smith moves his legs.Over the fifty meters there were so many bushes and shrubs so rose cant see her.

Smith arrives beside the river.

The river was quiet and flowing with her own melody.

It was just frittering of time his one mind thinks.But his another mind said that why man is so much greedy?And do I fit in that category?Yes but now not; it's time to spend money because whatever we have earn will not take to heaven. Money is just medium.Now spend it for your happiness.Tell your goodness with it.Money is nothing is just a medium of power.But still your body is pretty much better than it as god is almighty and he has made it with his own hands.

While thinking this a frivolous flow of wind moves towards him and he feel fresh after that flow.

Then hearing footsteps of gumboots.He realizes that someone is coming towards him so take a look.He looks back.And what he see....

He saw a man coming towards him.His body was fully covered with a mud, a bad smell was coming from his mud.It could be a very much disgusting situation for anyone.

The man was coming closer.And also his bad odour. As he comes closer.Smith goes beside.And the man suddenly jumps into water of river. After he comes up smith just saw his face he was good looking young and handsome.He swims and moves towards opposite side of river.

Smith also didn't see towards him after he starts swimming and turns back as someone has put a hand on his shoulder and there was rose.She was seeing at smith.

She asks him " what happened smith why are you standing here?let's go I'm searching you from past 5 minutes finally I got you here."

Smith says"Nothing Did you see anyone coming?".

Rose says" No there was so much of bushes between the rock and river.Did you see anyone?".

Smith says"No i just feel it".He tells lie.

Now they again start moving towards their next journey.