Chapter 13

James and Japheth were at their best and making the best out of this day. On the other end, Joseph was also at his best. For him, it was working out perfectly for he had the two things that normally made his day, women and booze.

With his thirst for women and incapability to keep away from them, having both at his disposal was the true definition of a fun moment. It was getting better and better for James and Japheth as well. As much as it was their wish not to part ways, they had no option but to do just that.

Apart from the fact that it was getting late, they were getting quite drunk; this was a bad omen for both of them. Not only did they need themselves sober for the journey to their respective homes, they needed not to be drunk the following morning as they were to go to work.

Without much ado, they had nothing else to do but be grateful for the day and bid each other goodbye. They parted ways and James headed to his apartment. On arrival, he met Joseph was already in the house. Not that Joseph had come home earlier to sleep, but he had decided that his party was best at his house.

Since he knew that James would be joining him soon, he had brought with him, two women. James could not believe what he saw and heard from Joseph. Without much to do, he had to play by the rules and join the fun. After all, when you go to Rome, do as the Romans do. Nothing could stand on his way.

Not only did he want to return a favor to his friend but also as a nature call. Being a man, he was also attracted to women. Furthermore, James was drunk and alcohol and women seem to magnetize at a surprising degree.

First, it had been a long time since James had a woman close to him after their break up with Maxine. This was a wakeup call that reminded him he was still a man and women were created for men. In a long time, he remembered his Christianity and thanked God for the chance.

The following day was work and it was late but he could not let the two in the bush come between him and the catch. He could not just let it slip off his grip. James continued the joys of the day. They drunk and made fun until it was around 4 a.m. in the morning.

At this point, James had had enough of the alcohol and it was time for something better and more adventurous, as he called it. It was time for a new theme song. On the other hand, the woman beside him seemed to have the same opinion and they came to a consensus. They preferred the bed as alcohol was already sufficient in their systems. They excused themselves and left for the bedroom.

It was not long after and Joseph joined in singing the new theme song. They both packed for the bedroom. Whatever that happened after these moments need not any explanation to any man or woman with the understanding.

As the sun rose that day, it was really a good day for James. He was active as never before. Ntuku iji, atuaga ta kajau gonkete kithana; he seemed like a calf just after suckling the first cholesterol milk. He never had time for other thoughts besides the previous night and just being proud of himself.

He could not meet his friend Joseph that morning. They were still in the slumber land with his woman. To work, James went. Though the alcohol was not entirely out of his system, he had a cure for that. Those morning hours at the office did not appear to be the best but he had not any other option at hand.

As hard as it was for him to keep focus in the office, it was as if an angel was listening to his troubles and came to his rescue. That afternoon, he bumped into Maxine as she had visited the hospital for a checkup.

They were both stunned to see each other. Their blood boiled for a few seconds as they attached emotionally. Bearing in mind that they had a history together, they could not help the emotions.

It was long since they laid eyes on each other and therefore, they had to spare some time and have a chat. After all, James was having a hard time keeping his head in the office.

"James…!" Maxine called.

"Maxine…! What a surprise! It is nice to meet you again. It is such a long time since I laid my eyes on you. How have you been?" asked James.

"I have been very fine. How about you my dear?" replied Maxine.

"To be sincere, I have not been myself after we parted ways but apart from that, I am still kicking hard enough. What about you, which is, of course apart from you becoming more beautiful and attractive as I can see?" James remarked.

"Well, thank you for the observation. I am also kicking and trying to adjust from the heartbreak after we had to part ways." Maxine said.

"About that, tell me; why did we have to part anyway? You know as far as I am concerned, I still love you. We both know that it's not easy to get over such feelings easily," said James.

"Well, as you know; your parents became too hot to handle and I had no other option but to just give up. As hard as it is to get over this, I guess we have not another choice," said Maxine.

"Sorry about the parents but you know, they are not here and as far as they are concerned, we are not together anymore. I cannot just let you go. Especially, not after I have met you again. Can't you even see that nature itself wants us together?" said James.

"James, James, you never change at all, do you? You remind me of the many reasons that made me love you so much but as much as I too would want us back, I hate to say this but I have to be on my way now," said Maxine as she walked.

"No, please. At least not, like this. Let me buy you a drink if not dinner, please? Just wait for me to close up my office. Just a minute!" said James as he held her hand.

"Okay then, if you insist. I will have a soda. Have your minute!" said Maxine.