Chapter 17

He knew that whatever Carol had accused him of could not be any good to him. He was certain that whatever it was, she had good evidence to have police come with her to college in search of him. Immediately, Vero had a story to share with James about Carol. It was then that James knew Carol did not seduce him because she had feelings but because she wanted to get back at him and Vero.

Vero told James that ever since they got together, they always fought with Carol about it. This was because she liked him too and blamed Vero of snatching him from her. Vero also mentioned that Carol would always swear to make them pay for hurting her feelings. Upon hearing these words, his blood started boiling instantly. He knew that Carol had all she needed for the payback.

It was then that his eyes opened and he realized the mistake he did by sleeping with Carol. He was now at the receiving end of the blame and became the traitor. Vero could not understand why he could not wait for her before he made the stupid move. James tried to explain to Vero that he feared her to do what Julia had done to him. This was the reason he agreed to sleep with her. He was also mad at Vero at the time and wanted to get back on her.

As it seemed, he was wrong all along. Carol had played a very bad game on him and he just played along. He helped her drive him to hell once more. Vero, his girlfriend had nothing she could think of to help him. She was mad at him for betraying her but; she loved him and did not want to see Carol get him into trouble. The only option was for him to flee. This is what she advised him so that at least they could get to the root of the matter. James did not concur with her. He told her that fleeing would only make things worse. After all, he did not know of what Carol had accused him. At least he needed to know so that he could know how to go about it. Vero agreed with him and offered to help. He could not apologize to her enough.

Within a short while, the police were at his hostel. Carol entered his room first. She then raised the alarm that he was in the room. Before the police entered, Vero could not comprehend why she had to be that inhuman. Nevertheless, Carol did not care at all. She did not answer any of Vero's questions. She just stood by the door very angry. James tried to talk to her and it was worse. She did not want to see him.

Finally, the police were into the room. They reached out to James and cuffed him as they accused him of raping Carol. Vero could not believe what she heard with her ears. She had stayed with Carol as a friend but did not know she was that evil. It was then that James knew he had been tricked so badly. That is when he realized why she wanted him to leave the shirt so bad.

It was the evidence of this shirt and the results from the hospital that showed in deed James did force himself on Carol. This is why she wanted him to sleep with her so bad. Since James had already told Vero what had happened, she hoped they could get him off the hooks. He was taken to the police station. Once again, James found himself in the crosshairs of having been accused of rape. This time, all he had was Vero, the girlfriend he betrayed.

Upon arrival at the police station, James was in for the biggest shock of his life. Having never found himself in such environs before, it was about to get weird for him. First, the site of the O.B (Occurrence Booking) counter said it all. That was no place for one to wish to be. The officer on duty was shielded by metal grills behind this counter.

This was a clear sign that those who came to the station were nothing close to angels. Second, the look on this officers face was evidence enough that he was about to dance with the devil. The worst part was he had requested the dance himself. To make matters better, the officer was a woman. She seemed a beautiful lady but the wallpaper on her face could not give room to the beauty.

It was clear to him that the last thing he needed to show was teeth. In fact, at that moment, even the teeth could not dare show. It was a terrifying sight. From behind the walls of the building were noises of men in sort of screams. He knew that it was not going to be easy for him. When he got to the counter, still the cuffs were on. First, the lady officer asked him his name. James responded in a shaky low voice.

To his surprise, the lady shouted to him with a voice he had never heard and never thought could come from a woman. It was clear that whatever training school she had gone to was no kindergarten. He found himself singing the details in as high voice. He was then asked to write a statement. After all the writing was done, it was time to prep for the theatre.

The procedure for getting into the cells was no different from that of a surgeon getting into theatre. First, he had to get rid of his wallet and any document or cash he had on him. Second was the belt. This meant that if he was in a large trouser, he was about to see a rough time. From that point, it was time to remove the shoe races. The reason behind this was a safety measure against suicide.

Finally yet importantly was time to take off the shoes. The funny thing here was that, he was to take off only one shoe. He could not enter in both shoes and none. The reason behind this, no one knew and neither did one have time to care or ask about it. Finally, it was time to take the walk to the cell. As he approached the door, he could tell it was about to get messy.

Lucky for him, the cell that had the most noise was full. The officer therefore placed in in the adjacent cell. From the evidence he got from the noises, he knew God had saved him from meeting Lucifer by the face. He knew that was the cell with the worst of the worst. In there were people who called prison home. It was no place for him. It was strange though because, from what he had heard people say, a cell was never could get full.

At least he learnt that the statement was not entirely true. The cell did get full but he never got the chance to know the max capacity. It was something he was very okay not proving. In the other cell, there were less people and it was quiet. The officer opened the big black cold metallic door. He could not dare ask the booking officer any question. Her facial expression was not welcoming at all.