
General Hamish was a big man. He didn't start out that way in his early adulthood, hell, ten years ago he was an accountant. He survived the end of the world, overlooked and missed by the indiscriminate destruction of the Super's War. Maybe it wasn't completely chance though. When he joined the military, they quickly determined he had a high aptitude for HPA, Human Potential Augmentation. That, coupled with his intelligence, (and age) allowed him to win an early position of Authority in the Military. His continuous training and augmentation increased his size and strength to (almost) super level. The Lieutenant put on a good display today, but General Hamish could have disintegrated 3 of those concrete slabs without trying.

Having a high HP score was probably the best indicator of success in the Northern Empire Military, but not the only one. Hamish knew a few with much greater potential who were promoted into positions where they wouldn't cause issues (because they were talented and stupid, not an ideal combination), others just disappeared and Hamish knew better than to ask about their whereabouts.

General Hamish had Shin's file in front of him, and it read like most of the students in his care. 15 years old, a survivor of the war, good marks, some commendations and some disciplinary notes. The reason he was looking at it personally though, and what caught his interest, was that his HP score was 0.

'I might have to ask records, but he may be the only 0 in this Academy...' Hamish thought. 'There was no way that attack on the Lieutenant was a spontaneous augmentation or limit break then, with a score of 0 it is completely impossible!'

There was no discrimination in the school about HP scores, after all, Augmentation was only possible for Military personnel, so he guessed it made sense that a 0 wouldn't necessarily be a big deal in the Academy. Still, the lowest he was aware of was closer to 2.5. Hamish's own score was 8, which meant his potential was nearly equivalent to a small s Super. HP scores above 8 were rare, though he'd heard that the Emperor's guards were all small s Supers or Humans with HP scores above 10. As far as Hamish knew, scores at 10 or more occurred, but the military has been unable to augment anyone to that level. With the incredible technologies the Supers brought with them, and the rate that it was advancing, these limits could be overcome any day. It made sense that the Emperor would keep everyone with the most potential close to him.

'Bzzz' came from his office portal before the iris opened out from the centre, revealing the Sgt on duty and the young Shin.

"General Hamish, Private Shin is presenting himself for your meeting" the Sgt said, with a salute.

"Thank you. Shin, please come in" Hamish said. Looking at the boy, he could see that he was fairly normal sized for his age. He had a mixed heritage clearly, with short black hair, large almond shaped eyes, and an almost pink complexion. And those grey eyes. Even the General found them arresting. 'Maybe he's a playboy? The Corporal from his class seemed very concerned about him', Hamish thought.

"I hope you've recovered from your injuries. I know that Lieutenant Damien really connected with his blow. I appreciate you agreeing to the match and doing your best."

"Yes sir, thank you sir. I have some bruising, but no lasting damage." Shin said, formally.

"Good, good. Shin, take a seat please. I didn't invite you to here because of your injuries, though I'm glad you're up and about. I want to talk about something that has come about because of your match." Shin sat down while the General spoke. "I've spoken with your instructors, your class representative, and others. I've also gone through your file. What I've seen and heard is a student who is talented and does everything that is expected of him. However, you never seem to stand out or make waves." Hamish paused and looked intently at Shin. "Now though, Lt. Damien has requested I look into you, because he noticed you are exceptional in martial arts. This is why he picked you for the practice bout. What I would like to know, is how come no one else in the entire school mentioned this talent?"

"General Hamish Sir, thank you sir. Truthfully, I have always believed that applying myself to all aspects of my studies will give me more choices in the future. I was trained in Martial Arts as soon as I could walk, so I may have an advantage there. I think I'm smart and level headed too, and I don't want to go down a certain path just because I'm good at hitting things." Shin said, calmly enough. He still sat with his back straight, not really at ease in front of the General. He didn't want to say that Martial Arts seemed useless with Supers and people like Lt. Damien in the world. What was the point?

"I understand son, that is admirable. What is your goal then?" Hamish was a little surprised by his answer. Most teens his age would show off any advantage they had, especially fighting at a Military Academy. Of course, he was more right than he knew. With an HP score of 0, he would never make it into any elite combat group in the Military. Overall, it wouldn't impede him from becoming an officer and having a career though.

"Sir, my goal is to enter the Space Exploration Corps. This is why I've focused on balanced studies, and will be taking advanced technology and science curriculum in my senior years. I know these studies are difficult, so I'm devoting myself now to preparing."

"The Space Exploration Corps! That is ambitious!! Well, you're correct, fighting is the least important requirement for that branch. Physical fitness is still considered very important though, and they take very, very few recruits." Hamish paused, maybe this would work out. "Private. That is a great goal, but no one knows that is what you're striving for. It takes more than good grades to be accepted in the Space Corps. You're going to need luck, you're going to need to show that you're exceptional, and you'll need recommendations. You have the grades, but nothing else yet." Hamish sat back in his chair, really looking at this cadet. He seemed bright, composed and present in their conversation, but those eyes of his. Looking into Shin's grey eyes, the General knew there was a deep drive, and a sadness that fueled it. He had the eyes of a survivor.

"Shin, based on the recommendation of Lt. Damien, and with my approval, you're entering the Shimin class. Congratulations. Successful completion of the Shimin program is exactly the kind of exceptional accomplishment one would need to make it into an elite corps later in their military career," General Hamish said, looking pleased.

"Thank you sir! I appreciate your help and consideration sir!," Shin said strongly. Then his eyes got a little distant looking and he said, "Sir, what is the Shimin class, exactly?"